6 Ways Data Can Boost Your Social Media Marketing. After a decade of attempting to connect with customers and prove return on investment, brands are still struggling to achieve success with social media marketing and engagement. But how can we develop and curate the right content, post at the most effective times and prove impact? In my experience and from what I hear from our customers, the only way to achieve real success is by using and leveraging data. Social media marketers can boost their performance and the performance of their campaigns by leveraging the power of data to inform their decision making. Social’s impact is an important part of the overall ROI of a campaign and needs to be measured. Just because your audience follows a celebrity doesn’t make that celebrity the right influencer for your brand. Data can drill down to reveal who the true influencers for your brand are and allow you to hone in on what your customers’ interests and areas of expertise are. Social influence and expertise tools, such as Klout Data, use machine learning to identify relevant trending topics, subject matter experts, profiles and influence scores for you. Understand your customer in every dimension: Your brand’s audience is not just your customers.
After a decade of attempting to connect with customers and prove return on investment, brands are still struggling to achieve success with social media marketing and engagement.
What does success look like? For most marketers, success includes anything from raising brand awareness and thought leadership to lead generation.
But how can we develop and curate the right content, post at the most effective times and prove impact? In my experience and from what I hear from our customers, the only way to achieve real success is by using and leveraging data.
Social media marketers can boost their performance and the performance of their campaigns by leveraging the power of data to inform their decision making. Here are six ways to do just that:
- Use the right technology: Choose a social technology that relies on data to increase efficiency, support collaboration and improve workflows. The right tool will allow you to grow your capabilities and activities by adding additional pieces of the suite when digital efforts and priorities shift. You’ll want to be sure the tool can be configured in multiple languages to develop deeper relationships with global customers and that the interface is intuitive, easy to manage and offers the analytics you need. Plus, a simple but visually appealing way to show those analytics is a must (I’ve spent too much time formatting data in the past). In your assessments, make sure you look at how the importance of data has played in to the platform’s development.
- Break the ROI myths: Many marketers struggle to prove ROI because of myths that declare that social impact is unmeasurable. This is not true. You can use data to track consumer behavior that proves the value of social. For example, measure attribution. What motivated the customer to buy? What was the path…