In order to effectively boost conversions, images need to be high-quality. Your images should provide customers with almost as much information as they’d get from handling the product in person in order to reduce the friction involved in buying online. To that end, provide multiple views of the product (i.e. front/back/sides), include a zoom option that allows customers to view details up close, and include photos of each of the different color and style options on offer. For example, if you’re selling a suitcase, adding a shot of the product in an airport or train terminal would be effective. In order to help people visualize themselves interacting with the product, it’s useful to include people in your images. Making sure your product images show up in your site’s search drop-down menu can boost conversions. In other words, images help customers find what they’re searching for faster, which can reduce impediments to buying. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65 percent of the information three days later. When it comes to boosting online sales, product images matter. In addition to writing detailed product and features descriptions, including high-quality images will help you make more sales, reduce your risk of returns, and get people to remember your products for a much longer time.

We all know detailed product descriptions are important for selling products online. But a picture is still worth more than all those words.
In fact, one survey found that 67 percent of customers believe product images are more important than descriptions and reviews when it comes to deciding whether to buy. Other studies have found professional images can reduce shopping cart abandonment and boost the likelihood of making a sale.
That means any brand that sells online would do well to invest in their product images. Here’s how to utilize product images for maximum conversion-boosting effect.
1. Emphasize quality.
In order to effectively boost conversions, images need to be high-quality. Professional images will lend credibility to your brand and help customers feel more comfortable purchasing from your site. Avoid pixilated images, stock photos and any visuals that aren’t relevant to the product at hand. Keep the background clean and relevant to the product. And make sure your photos are large and high-resolution to optimize their impact; large photos consistently result in better conversion rates.
2. Provide as many views as possible.
Buying products online can be daunting, because customers don’t have a chance to interact with them up close and ensure they’re getting exactly what I want. Your images should provide customers with almost as much information as they’d get from handling the product in person in order to reduce the friction involved in buying online. To that end, provide multiple views of the product (i.e. front/back/sides), include a zoom option that allows customers to view details up close, and include photos of each of the different color and style options on offer. Bonus points for 360-degree spin or 3D imaging features.
3. Help customers envision the product in their lives.
In order to purchase a product, customers need to be convinced it will enhance their lives in some way. Help potential customers visualize how your product(s) could play a role in their lives by showcasing products in the settings where people are most likely to use them. For example, if you’re selling a suitcase, adding…