9 Content Marketing Tools You Need To Know. Despite challenges, content marketing does work, and it should be a central part of every marketing plan. Keyword.io is an excellent starting tool for those dipping their toes into keyword research. Using this free program, you can research keyword ideas to help plan your content calendar based on the information your audience is already searching for. Canva has both free and paid options to put more design power in the hands of the art-inept (or to empower your true designers with more speed). They’ve also created a Content Tracker tool, with both free and paid versions, that measures performance metrics of your content such as views, shares, and inbound links. The paid version of the tool also automates sending content to press contacts, helping take that PR hat off your rack for a bit. In content marketing, you can use this information to plan content around what your followers are already talking about. It’s incredibly flexible, so you can set it up in the way that makes the most sense to your organization and use it to plan, collaborate on, and monitor your content marketing efforts across your team. CoSchedule was built for marketers and has the same centralized planning capabilities as productivity tools like Trello, along with social and WordPress integrations that make scheduling posts a set-and-forget breeze.
If you work in marketing at a small-to-medium-sized company, chances are you also dabble in sales, HR, admin, data, developing . . . whatever hat (of so many) you need to wear that day. With so much to do and so little staff to do it, it may seem as though content marketing — hot buzzword of the marketing world that it may be — has to take a backseat.
Despite challenges, content marketing does work, and it should be a central part of every marketing plan. Luckily, there are many affordable tools available to lend a hand and make content marketing a viable strategy for your organization, no matter its size.
Here are nine recommendations from our friends at TechnologyAdvice, a site designed to help you find the best software for your business.
Keyword.io is an excellent starting tool for those dipping their toes into keyword research. Using this free program, you can research keyword ideas to help plan your content calendar based on the information your audience is already searching for. The free version gets the job done, but is relatively simple, without access to certain valuable metrics. Once you get started and see how important keywords can be, you may want to graduate to a more robust paid tool like the one offered by Moz.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but what if you can’t draw? No worries, Canva has you covered. Canva has both free and paid options to put more design power in the hands of the art-inept (or to empower your true designers with more speed). With thousands of templates and design ideas for ads, charts, social media images, blog post graphics, infographics, and more, it’s an excellent (and fun) tool to add some arresting visuals to your content.
Permission-based email is one of the best ways to keep your prospects engaged and stay at the top of their minds. But to send emails like these at scale, you’ll need to move beyond Outlook and spreadsheets. Campaign Monitor is one of the best email marketing and automation tools on the market, and the platform is…