6 Ways Marketing Automation Tools Rock Client Onboarding

6 Ways Marketing Automation Tools Rock Client Onboarding

6 Ways Marketing Automation Tools Rock Client Onboarding. You might also make a task in that new project that’s assigned to the account manager to review the deal and select the right template of onboarding task lists for this project. These templates are a great start, they help you identify important data points to ask, but they mostly don’t address the issue of data management. Use a Landing Page and a Generic Email to Create a Checklist for Various Marketing Programs Using an email like admin@domain.com makes it possible to centralize your client access permissions. Break Up Long Forms and Create Numerous Landing Pages that are Linked to From Multiple Automated Emails So the process outlined above works great with one landing page if the project is simple. This is one the most significant benefits of using marketing automation in your onboarding process. Then, you could have an email that leads to a landing page with a checklist for sharing access to analytic tools, one for social media platforms, another for email marketing and list segmentation information, another for website and FTP access, and so on. Next thing you know, you could have four or five automated emails and landing pages with robust forms for easily gathering important information and access. Enable Your Sales Team to Concentrate on Sales Without Sacrificing a Smooth Transitions from Sales to Onboarding Up until now I’ve pretty much only outlined how automation can benefit your onboarding process from a tactical point of view. They can avoid guessing about what happens next and are able to smoothly transition the new client into onboarding mode by simply enrolling them in the onboarding workflow.

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6 Ways Marketing Automation Tools Rock Client Onboarding

At an agency level, onboarding new clients can be challenging, especially for young agencies. Luckily, there are some cool ways we can use various marketing automation programs to make this daunting process more smooth.

The thing is, different departments will need access to the same tools at varying intervals throughout onboarding. Unfortunately, this can lead to roadblocks, and sometimes those roadblocks are super hard to overcome. Even the simple ones, like when someone can’t move forward on a project simply because they don’t have access to a needed asset.

Throughout the onboarding phase there is a ton of information that’s shared and having assets all over the place can become a nightmare. For me this has been an especially bad headache when marketing managers have their own research saved on their local computers, results from client meetings are in someone’s notes on their desk, etc. etc.

Thank god there’s a way to use marketing automation tools to help keep some of these processes from turning into a huge ball of Christmas lights. In this post, I’m going to explore six ways marketing automation can improve the client onboarding process in terms of efficiency and client experience.

Communicate Across Departments Quickly to Initiate Onboarding Immediately with HubSpot CRM and Zapier

Instead of waiting for a weekly leadership meeting, get going with this new client as soon as the deal has been won by connecting the HubSpot CRM to a project management tool like Teamwork through Zapier.

With this connection, you can create a new project from a deal in HubSpot and send an alert to the account manager that a new deal has been won and the project has been created in Teamwork. You might also make a task in that new project that’s assigned to the account manager to review the deal and select the right template of onboarding task lists for this project.

Congruently, it would be a great idea to build basic task lists for common projects for them to choose from. These might be retainer projects, website projects, event promotion, SEO analysis, competitive research, or temporary social media support.

Use a Landing Page, Google Spreadsheets, and Zapier to Perform Buyer Persona Research

There are numerous resources available for creating buyer personas, a simple Google search is more than enough evidence of this. These templates are a great start, they help you identify important data points to ask, but they mostly don’t address the issue of data management.

Here’s a strong alternative for scaling information acquisition and data storage. If you’ve ever run a buyer persona research meeting you’re probably aware that the meeting can be pretty long. Consequently, it can be hard to get vital leadership team and sales team members together at the same time for the duration of it.

This can be remedied with a landing page!

You can build contact properties for all the data points you plan on gathering. In tools like HubSpot, you can group these buyer persona questions together as their own group of contact properties. I recommend asking for the submitters their first name, last name, email, and company name as required smart fields so submissions from this person are easily grouped together.

Next, clone this landing page three or four times (depending on how many buyer personas you’d like each submitter to supply) and link to the next buyer persona from the subsequent thank you page.

For example, domain.com/buyer-persona-one would have a form submission that redirects to domain.com/buyer-persona-one/thank-you. On that thank you page there would be a CTA to submit another persona with a link to domain.com/buyer-persona-two.

Now, to keep this data intact. As you have probably identified this solution isn’t usable as is, you need a data storage repository.

To achieve this create a Google Spreadsheet and make headers that correspond to all the data points your asking on the landing page. Then log into Zapier (or create a new account if needed, there are free options available), and create a Zap that…