5 Proven List Building Strategies to Employ in 2017

Email marketing will be the most effective marketing tactic of 2017. As basic as it seems, a lot of email marketers still don’t offer an incentive to encourage people to subscribe to their email list. Exactly how powerful is offering an incentive to subscribers? Very powerful. When offering an incentive, it is important to: Ensure that your incentive is very relevant to your site and the subscribers you are trying to attract. If done right, a giveaway can be very massive for your list building. It resulted in over 1,000 new subscribers to her email list, her book becoming a #1 bestseller and a 100 percent increase in traffic. Content Upgrades: The content upgrade became really popular a while back, but you can be rest assured that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Research from MarketingSherpa shows that you can get up to a 208 percent boost in conversion rates by segmenting your email list and sending targeted emails to subscribers. Hint at your content upgrade early in the guest post; this will create desire and massively boost conversions.

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Email marketing will be the most effective marketing tactic of 2017.

Email is so powerful that the Direct Marketing Association says that you can expect a ROI of $38 for every $1 you invest in email marketing. Similarly, Monetate research that analyzed over 500 million shopping experiences found email to be the single most powerful marketing tactic when it comes to conversions — email traffic converted more than both search and social traffic combined. That’s not all, but research shows email to be just as powerful during holidays: 25.1 percent of all sales during Black Friday 2015 was attributed to email, compared to just 1.6 percent of sales attributed to social media.

That said, email marketing isn’t often as easy as it is purported to be. For many, the single biggest struggle with email marketing is that of gaining subscribers. Here are five proven list building strategies that you can employ in 2017 — each backed up with case studies and research:

Offer an Incentive to Subscribers:

This could be in form of a coupon, a discount, or the popular option: an ebook or ecourse. As basic as it seems, a lot of email marketers still don’t offer an incentive to encourage people to subscribe to their email list. The result is a significant loss in subscribers they could have otherwise had.

Exactly how powerful is offering an incentive to subscribers? Very powerful. Offering an incentive is so powerful that Flyte was able to increase monthly subscriptions by a whopping 5,000 percent simply by going from offering nothing to offering people an incentive for joining their newsletter.

When offering an incentive, it is important to:

  • Ensure that your incentive is very relevant to your site and the subscribers you are trying to attract.
  • Ensure you carefully communicate that people will be getting regular emails from you when they sign up for your incentive.
  • Deliver the incentive as soon as people sign up, and again remind them that they will be hearing from you frequently.

Run a Viral List Building Giveaway:

Meet Josh Earl. In an attempt to rapidly build his email list, Earl decided to run a viral giveaway. He offered people a popular paid software in his niche, and the condition for winning was to share his giveaway and subscribe to his newsletter. I mean, how seriously will people participate in a giveaway for free software? Apparently, overwhelmingly! Earl got 482,044 visitors to his blog and 187,991 subscribers to his email list within 11 days, all thanks to the giveaway.

If done right, a giveaway can be very massive for your list building. There’s a right and wrong way to do it, though. Here are some tips:

  • First make sure…