Buying Sales Software: Why You’re Losing Money by Trying to Be Efficient

Buying Sales Software: Why You’re Losing Money by Trying to Be Efficient

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Have you heard about how the most successful people are wearing the same clothes every day to limit decision making? The aim behind this is to improve daily efficiencies by minimizing the number of decisions that have to be made. The idea is real; it’s called “decision fatigue” and businesses are working to evolve around this principle. This is the exact reason that business software providers will work, and work hard, to build a level of recognition that drives companies right to them. The goal is to become the obvious choice, saving you time and effort in your evaluation…hopefully.

Some decisions should not be brushed over, though. The issue here lies in the fact that your business is unique. In fact, your company still exists because it is unique. If you weren’t doing something different than your competitors, you wouldn’t be around, you wouldn’t be scaling and you wouldn’t be in need of a sales solution in the first place. What does this mean? It means that you should be taking a unique approach to evaluating any application that helps run the processes that drive your business.

Slowing Down to Speed Up

One realm where the “one size fits all” misconception is incredibly apparent is in the sales software or CRM space. And honestly, why wouldn’t it be? It’s no secret that finding a new CRM, getting budget and approval, determining the integrations, and ultimately implementing the system is a lot of work and very little fun. You have a business to run and none of these things feel like they make you money. But they do.

This is a case where the “slow down to speed up” concept is a real phenomenon. All too often companies resort to the “industry…