4 Strong Growth Hacking Tricks to Implement in 2017

4 Strong Growth Hacking Tricks to Implement in 2017. So whether you’re a B2B or B2C brand, here are four ways to implementing growth hacking as part of your marketing strategy: #1 Host Webinars Are you looking to boost your lead generation and build your sales funnel? You will create added opportunities to grow your subscribers which will compound over time. This is a successful strategy for connecting with prospects and generating live feedback that can be used for future content ideas. If you can’t create something in-house, how much are subscribers worth in your budget for marketing? A tool that can two weeks to build can provide more subscribers for you than any of your other content. Click-through rates for retargeted ads are ten times higher than traditional display ads, and retargeted users are 70% more likely to convert. #4 Create a Targeted List of Emails Honing your email strategy will produce wonderful results in your overall content marketing. From increasing your bottom-line, boosting brand exposure, to bolstering retention, email marketing is one of the best tools to achieving growth in every area of your business. Conclusion Growth hacking is geared to do one thing…allow you to experience growth in a specific area.

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growth hacking

Growth hacking strategies are all the rave to expanding your audience and customer base in a short time frame. You see, growth hacking is all about applying unconventional marketing strategies to break through, grow faster, and stay ahead of the competition. Especially for startups who have minimal advertising budgets but desire to accelerate quickly or brands who’ve struggled with increasing their clientele, growth hacking can prove to be a winning move to achieving these goals.

The good news is that growth hacking is not complicated. In fact, many of the tactics outlined may sound familiar, yet, it’s how you use these channels for the specific reason and focus to attain this one goal…growth!

So whether you’re a B2B or B2C brand, here are four ways to implementing growth hacking as part of your marketing strategy:

#1 Host Webinars

Are you looking to boost your lead generation and build your sales funnel? Webinars are amazing platforms that not only allows you to delve deep into topics for in-depth knowledge, it’s a great source for growing your email list as each participant must register to join your broadcast. Imagine hosting a webinar every week for your target audience, list, and social media followers. You will create added opportunities to grow your subscribers which will compound over time.

Webinars also position your brand as a thought leader and authority in your niche. You can offer tremendous value during these presentations and hold a live Q&A at the end to further engage with your audience. This is a successful strategy for connecting with prospects and generating live feedback that can be used for future content ideas.

#2 Build a Free Tool

Offering free SaaS or tools are highly beneficial in getting potential customers engaged in your products. Tools like Moz’s Open Site Explorer, CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer, and Hubspot’s Website Grader are excellent examples of brands creating useful apps that their audience can leverage at no cost. It also builds positive experiences with your company which increases the likelihood of these users doing business with you.

Here’s how you can implement this tip:

  • What super helpful tools could you create for your audience? Write your…