5 Lesser-Known Productivity Tips That Can Change Your Life Forever

5 Lesser-Known Productivity Tips That Can Change Your Life Forever

The 2-minute rule helps you get rid of a ton of unimportant things from your to-do list so you can focus your time on finishing the most important ones. So, let’s break it down: Want to write a 1000 words every day? Write 50 words in the next two minutes. Use it for 15 minutes a day, then slowly increase your time until you feel so good at it that you can spend all day there. Start to turn off your monitor while writing Are you struggling to write blog posts quickly? Do you often edit your own work while writing? Never break the chain (Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret) You’ve heard that it takes 21 days to build any habit, right? He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day. Step 3: Put a big X across each day when you devote time to working on your one thing. Make it a habit of writing 500 words every day using the Seinfeld productivity hack listed above and within five months, you’ll hit your goal of writing a 300+ page book.

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5 Lesser-Known Productivity Tips That Can Change Your Life Forever
Okay, okay. I get it – you want to get more done in less time.

So do I.

I’ve been blogging full-time for the last five years and I spend 10 hrs/day on average at my workspace. Let me be honest: working online is NOT always fun.

The internet is full of distractions.

As someone who is no less susceptible to distractions than you, I’ve struggled a lot to find effective productivity tips over the last couple of years.

The good news is I’ve learnt five killer ones along the way, and I’m ready to share.

If you’re someone who’s looking to get more things done in less time, this post is for you. You’ll discover five of the best time-saving hacks that you can use to boost your productivity almost instantly.

Curious? Let’s jump right in.

#1. Adopt the 2-minute rule

How much can you accomplish in two minutes, you might wonder? Well, the surprising answer is quite a LOT!

Did you know that 9 out of 10 people never finish their daily to-do lists because they include a lot of mundane tasks?

That’s why you need a failsafe system to tackle your to-do list the right way, and that’s where the 2-minute rule comes into play.

The 2-minute rule helps you get rid of a ton of unimportant things from your to-do list so you can focus your time on finishing the most important ones.

There are two parts to the 2-minute rule:
  1. If something can be done in two minutes, just do it.
  2. If something takes more than two minutes, then start it.

Let’s talk about the two parts in detail so you can understand just how effective it is.

Part 1: If something can be done in two minutes, just do it.

Basically, if a task takes less than two minutes of your time, do it right away. Don’t add it to your to-do list. Don’t put it aside for later. Don’t delegate it to someone else.

Just do it.

Then forget it.

Tasks that spring to mind that fit this profile: answer an email, retweet winning content, come up with a few blog ideas, and send an update to a colleague.

There are a ton of tiny, seemingly trivial tasks that take less than two minutes yet need to be done EVERY DAY.

Ticking them off will help you build and maintain momentum in your workday. Never underestimate the sense of accomplishment that comes with just getting things done.

Adopting the 2-minute principle will help you manage your daily to-do lists more effectively by micro-managing unimportant tasks.

Part 2: If something takes more than two minutes, then start it.

You may ask, “But how can I get BIGGER tasks done in under two minutes? We’re talking tasks that usually take hours to days to weeks to complete!”

I hear you. But have you heard of Newton’s first law of motion: an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion?

Once you take an action on any 2-minute task, you will feel better equipped to work on even bigger tasks because of the sense of momentum you’ve built.

That’s the reason why the 2-minute rule is so effective.

So, let’s break it down:

  • Want to write a 1000 words every day? Write 50 words in the next two minutes.
  • Want to meditate for 20 minutes a day? Go to Calm.com and meditate for two minutes.
  • Want to exercise for one hour a day? Do jumping jacks for just two minutes.

You get the idea. Once you start taking immediate action on your goals by using the 2-minute rule, you are bound to move onto bigger tasks. The precedent is set. Once you start acting on small tasks, you can keep the ball rolling.

Read this article by James Clear in which he succinctly explains how you can use the 2-minute rule to beat procrastination if you’re still not convinced.

#2. Get a standing desk to increase your productivity by almost 50%!

I know, I know, it sounds crazy.

But if you get a standing desk, your day will go quicker and you may be better able to concentrate on your work.

A recent study by Texas A&M University found that employees who used standing desks were a whopping 46% more productive than those with traditional seated desk configurations.

Without a doubt, standing desks have become the mark of a hip office, but FF Venture Capital has found that standing actually leads to more actively sharing ideas. Some prominent individuals like Thomas Jefferson worked at standing desks every day of their lives.

Here are some of the other benefits to using a standing desk at your home or workplace:

  • You will become more productive, i.e., you’ll stop checking your inbox every few minutes.
  • You’ll burn more calories – a standing desk activates the major muscle groups in your legs.
  • You’ll enhance your sense of focus because when standing, it’s normal to feel a sense of urgency which in turn makes you more focused on the timely completion of tasks.
  • You’ll improve your digestive health…