Tech Leaders’ Best Business, Success and Marketing Tips

Tech Leaders’ Best Business, Success and Marketing Tips

Tech Leaders' Best Business, Success and Marketing Tips. Building your network is an important part of your success in business and life in general. It’s helpful to have a group of colleagues and friends to turn to for business and marketing help. Of the conferences that I speak at, Affiliate Summit is one of my favorites. This year at Affiliate Summit East, I interviewed four technology experts, one of whom is one of the co-founders of the event, to understand their best business and marketing tips. Brandon Gustafson, an assistant professor of marketing of Oakland University, shared what he feels is most important for marketing success is understanding how to engage and to connect with customers on a personal level. He emphasized that perfection isn’t necessary. “The future of marketing will be in personalization and remarketing. Watch more videos from MetroNY on their YouTube channel. Entrepreneur Network is a premium video network providing entertainment, education and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders.

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Building your network is an important part of your success in business and life in general. It’s helpful to have a group of colleagues and friends to turn to for business and marketing help. Of the conferences that I speak at, Affiliate Summit is one of my favorites. Conferences are an excellent way to network with other professionals, to teach, to learn and to find solutions to my clients’ needs. This year at Affiliate Summit East, I interviewed four technology experts, one of whom is one of the co-founders of the event, to understand their best business and marketing tips.

Three of the experts expressed that they felt that marketing had to include a personal element. Connecting with the customer on a more intimate level is important, but so is tailoring the messaging to the audience’s individual situations. Likewise, remarketing should also be very focused.

When building a company, the teammates you select to work with are critical to the success of the business. Choosing the best of the best helps, but leading them is also important and a skill to be mastered.

Brandon Gustafson, an assistant professor of marketing of Oakland University, shared what he feels is most important for marketing success is understanding how to engage and to connect with customers on a personal level. “It’s always great to focus on moving through and getting a sale, but the overall engagement piece and really connecting with a customer on a more personal level will…