4 Secrets to Becoming a “Presentainer” Who Grabs an Audience’s Attention

4 Secrets to Becoming a “Presentainer” Who Grabs an Audience’s Attention

Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes Note: This excerpt was guest-written by Dave Vanhoose, co-founder of Speaking Empire. I’ve been involved in selling by presentations for a very long time, and I believe I know a number of things about it, but I’m also always still learning and, hopefully, improving. I was asked at a seminar if I could talk about any one thing about creating and delivering presentations that was a rock-solid certainty. The more experience I got with developing presentations and with delivering them as a speaker, the more certain I became that . If you have a powerful presentation, and you have the right mindset about it, yourself, and your audience, and you have the right delivery, you win every time. As a presenter, your goal is to have people say yes to you, mentally and physically, a number of times during your presentation. A lot of things can affect the audience’s state: who they are, how they came into the audience—willingly or “sent” by an employer—time of day and fatigue, what they know in advance about you and your presentation, and location. The Seven-Minute Rule Have you ever seen a speaker start strong but lose his audience sometime during his presentation? In making Speaking Empire the go-to company for developing powerful presentations, we’ve done a lot of research, as well as drawn from our own experience. Dynamism Few effective speakers stand still behind a podium or lectern, or read a word-for-word speech from notes or a teleprompter—it doesn’t have enough life to it.

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4 Secrets to Becoming a

The following excerpt is from Dan S. Kennedy and Dustin Mathews’ book No B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes

Note: This excerpt was guest-written by Dave Vanhoose, co-founder of Speaking Empire.

I’ve been involved in selling by presentations for a very long time, and I believe I know a number of things about it, but I’m also always still learning and, hopefully, improving. I was asked at a seminar if I could talk about any one thing about creating and delivering presentations that was a rock-solid certainty. There is.

The more experience I got with developing presentations and with delivering them as a speaker, the more certain I became that . . .

…the more you teach, the less you sell.

In the beginning, I fell into the trap that catches most speakers and presenters: being a professor. I learned that it’s much more useful to be a Presentainer®—our word at Speaking Empire for somebody who can move an audience emotionally, connect with them personally, and entertain them on some level. This is the only way to hold attention and grow interest. It makes you more memorable and your presentation more influential. It involves the audience as they like to be involved. The TV they watch, the movies they see twice, the games they play, and the novels they read all do this, and so should you.

If you have a powerful presentation, and you have the right mindset about it, yourself, and your audience, and you have the right delivery, you win every time. So let’s talk about delivery.

1. Leading and Ending

The classic, textbook speaking formula applies: Tell your audience what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them. This lets you first create a sense of anticipation, getting the audience sitting on the edge of their seats and hanging on every word. Most of the great stage magicians of the golden era, Houdini included, always told the audience about the illusion they would next see, in very dramatic…