What Can B2B Marketers Gain from Growth Hacking? [Infographic]

What Can B2B Marketers Gain from Growth Hacking? [Infographic]

Start with a Growth Mindset According to Chip Heath and Dan Heath in their best-selling book, Switch, “The answer may sound strange: You need to create the expectation of failure- not the failure of the mission itself, but failure en route.” “Think like a software developer – build, test then iterate,” said Martin Jones, Senior Marketing Manager at Cox Communications. Traditional Marketing vs. Growth Hacking? Source: Traditional marketing vs. Growth Hacking – Infographic The phrase, “Make people want the product vs. Make a product people want,” sums it up well. Brian: What do marketers need to know about growth hacking and what makes it different? With growth hacking, it’s not just about, ‘Hey, can I get traffic from SEO or paid advertising?’ A lot of it is that can you leverage your existing community members (customers), and your product itself. Neil: You’ve got to start thinking outside the box. Those are all creative companies that are marketing growth hacking. Authors note: check out HubSpot – How to Grow a Billion Dollar B2B Growth Engine What are the obstacles that get in the way of growth hacking? Neil: You need a lot of people, team members, a company behind it. You need people from different teams involved to do it.

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What Can B2B Marketers Gain from Growth Hacking? [Infographic]

What can you gain from growth hacking and how can you develop a mindset to be better at B2B marketing?

To help answer this question, I interviewed Neil Patel (@neilpatel), co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics. He also helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue.

As marketers, we can reject having a growth mindset without realizing it. Here’s why.

First, marketers generally follow this approach: We plan, then, we execute.

Do you see what’s missing?

We’re missing a test stage in the middle.

Second, we expect peak performance from ourselves (and others) while attempting new things and having little time to practice. I don’t know about you, but when I try something new, I don’t do as well the first time.

Consider professional athletes for a moment. They have time to train and practice before the season starts. They practice during the season, and they even get an offseason.

As a marketing pro, do you get an offseason? Heck no.

Finally, I find marketers struggle with perfectionism or fear of failure. This challenge can get in the way of your growth too. Personally, I struggle with perfectionism more than I’d like to admit. As I talk with other marketers, I know I’m not alone.

So, what can you do?

Start with a Growth Mindset

According to Chip Heath and Dan Heath in their best-selling book, Switch, “The answer may sound strange: You need to create the expectation of failure- not the failure of the mission itself, but failure en route.”

“Think like a software developer – build, test then iterate,” said Martin Jones, Senior Marketing Manager at Cox Communications.

You need to create the expectation that failure is part of the marketing process. And you need to test. Instead of building campaigns where everything relies on a single successful launch. You need to adopt a more agile approach.

Traditional Marketing vs. Growth Hacking?

There’s still some confusion about the difference between marketing and growth hacking. I think following infographic is helpful.


Source: Traditional marketing vs. Growth Hacking – Infographic

The phrase, “Make people want the product vs. Make a product people want,” sums it up well.

It all starts with how we think and that’s why having growth mindset is important.

Interview with Neil Patel on Growth Hacking

I interviewed Neil Patel a while back to get his insights on growth hacking because he’s rapidly grown several multimillion dollar companies and he’s written the definitive guide on the subject.

Author’s Note: This transcript was edited for publication.

Brian: What do marketers need to know about growth hacking and what makes it different?

Neil: The big difference in growth hacking, to some extent, is an evolution of marketing. And marketing used just to be, “Hey, I’m a person who’s going to acquire traffic, and maybe I can make it convert.” Right? Now I’m converting whether it’s AdWords, or…