5 New Year’s Resolutions for Content Marketers

How to Invest in Videos, Apps, Big Content
How to Make Your Content More Readable
How to Create Video Content Without Being on Camera

Content marketing is constantly changing, which means it can be difficult to stay on top of what’s going on. Don’t worry though – get your head start this year with this list of five resolutions all content marketers should make for 2017.

1. Take Advantage of Live Video

Live video has very recently begun to progress from a rarity to a marketing staple. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat are promoting it heavily, and brands from news sites and car manufacturers to sporting events are taking advantage of it.

74% of respondents in a Vidyard survey said that video led to the highest conversion rates of any type of content. According to Facebook, live video works even better.

Customers seek out meaningful, authentic interactions with brands, and live video gives them that. There’s little that’s more authentic than seeing exactly what’s happening in the moment, and interacting with a company in real-time creates a meaningful connection. Live video also outperforms other forms of media in terms of timeliness. Live video can provide literally instantaneous updates.

Live video is especially useful for promoting events, as location no longer acts as a barrier. People can virtually attend your event from anywhere in the world. Live streaming also converts to real attendance. Digitell found that 30% of live video viewers attended the event the next year.

2. Give Semantic Search the Attention It Deserves

Search is getting smarter, and it’s important for marketers to keep up with those changes.

Keyword rankings are important, but there’s so much more that search engines now take into account. When a search engine uses these various resources to produce search results, it’s called semantic search.

Semantic search tries to figure out what results you want, as opposed to just the meaning of the words you search. We don’t know exactly what search engines like Google use to do this, but past searches and location are likely contributing factors.

Semantic search is better for users because of its improved accuracy. It allows for features such as conversational search results, autocorrection and location-specific results.

In order to take advantage of semantic search, content marketers should focus less on specific keywords and more on a keyword ecosystem. They’re still important, but other factors should take center stage. Focus more on the meaning, as Google does. Ensure that your content has an obvious focus, so search engines know what it’s about and who to show it to.

Focus also on quality content that gives people what they’re looking…