Sync Your Sales and Marketing Teams With Shared Goals

Sync Your Sales and Marketing Teams With Shared Goals

Sync Your Sales and Marketing Teams With Shared Goals. Why weren’t the teams working together? The marketing team thought the sales team was losing conversions because they weren’t implementing the hard work they were doing in promotion. The sales team thought that the marketing team were making promises that couldn’t be maintained, losing them commissions. Here are some ways that the two sides can boost results by working together for the benefit of the brand. Communication should be a requirement, which means making it easier for them to do so. For the same reasons, the sales team should be involved in creation of marketing materials. For example, they might want to increase conversions by improving their sales funnel, and they decide to do this by making better landing pages with more targeted content. By working together they will see better results. All it takes is a bit of communication and shared efforts… you will be amazed by the results.

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Sync Your Sales and Marketing Teams With Shared Goals

I heard one of the most ridiculous statements a couple of months ago from a fellow marketer. He and I were discussing a recent meeting he’d had with the others on his marketing team. They were discussing a new management platform they were trying out, and how it was pretty hard to figure out the features.

“My team is great, but it is the sales people. They don’t have any idea how to properly create these widgets. So they are holding all of us back.”

I just couldn’t understand that. Why weren’t the teams working together? When I inquired a bit more it turned out that the teams didn’t work together on anything. In fact, a rivalry had broken out between the two teams, as they often blamed each other for things going wrong.

The marketing team thought the sales team was losing conversions because they weren’t implementing the hard work they were doing in promotion. The sales team thought that the marketing team were making promises that couldn’t be maintained, losing them commissions.

Peanut Butter and Jelly

The biggest problem with this mentality is that it separates things into two teams. But the truth is that both are working for the same side. If they would combine their efforts and keep one another on the same page then there would be greater results for both. Syncing their efforts are far more beneficial than refusing to work together.

For every business the sales team and the marketing team should be like peanut butter and jelly. While your situation might not be as dire or contentious as my friend’s, you may find that the two are not operating on the same harmonious level as you would like.

Here are some ways that the two sides can boost results by working together for the benefit of the brand.

Prioritize Communication

If your teams aren’t talking to one another than they are not operating to the best of their abilities. Communication should be a requirement, which means making it easier for them to do so. You need a place for them to communicate, and to encourage them to use some of their time doing so, both in meetings and alone. Communication fosters loyalty.

You can use your own internal system for this, but there are so many excellent platforms now that you can use almost anything. Slack is a popular option as you can create customized channels that reflect your needs. But other programs, like Cyfe, have built in messengers that work alongside other features.

It’s a good idea to create an internal resource that would clearly present how all the teams can help each other. Using Flipsnack you can publicize your…