3 Reasons Why Your Blog Sucks

3 Reasons Why Your Blog Sucks

I just feel businesses can excel with their blog if they post content consistently, focus on distribution and find other websites to write content for, which most do not. Here are three reasons why your blog sucks: Lack of frequency The issue: This one speaks for itself -- you simply aren’t posting enough content. Can you churn out enough content for a daily newspaper article? You can run a “link click” advertising campaign on Facebook so you are only charged when someone clicks on your article. If you are creating at least one blog post per week, you should be driving a minimum of 250 visitors to your site per blog post to make the time investment in creating the piece worthwhile. To make a long story short, to increase domain authority, you need quality backlinks pointing back to your site from external websites. The issue: Too often, I see businesses only focusing on internal blog content, which means they are only posting blogs to their own website. If you boost Facebook posts to drive more website traffic to your blog but aren’t seeing sales from this, it is time to shift your strategy. How to fix it: I’m not recommending giving up on internal blogs, but you should also focus on external blogs. Once your domain authority is boosted, more people will be able to find your blogs when searching on Google since your site is viewed as authoritative.

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When you work with hundreds of different brands like I have done over the years, you notice a common theme among all the different business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers. One of the most glaring issues I see on a daily basis is that every businessman or woman who I speak to emphasizes the importance of their company blog. Yet most of the time, their blog sucks! It doesn’t generate any revenue or traffic for their business, and there is no game plan or organization behind the blog.

I apologize in advance for my bluntness here. I just feel businesses can excel with their blog if they post content consistently, focus on distribution and find other websites to write content for, which most do not. Back in the good old days, before blogging was at our disposal, if you wanted a write-up on your company, you’d have to contact the local paper and pray it would run a feature piece on your business. Your business can now blog and share all of the great stories taking place at your business. So why aren’t you?

There are some brands that contact my agency that have hit a home run with their blog strategy. This isn’t the case for the vast majority of inquires we receive, however, which is why I’m bringing this issue to light.

Here are three reasons why your blog sucks:

Lack of frequency

The issue:
This one speaks for itself — you simply aren’t posting enough content.

How to fix it:
Determine whether a daily, weekly or monthly schedule is best for your business. Frequency is just a small piece of the pie. You need to make sure the content is amazing. If you are posting daily and the content is lackluster, you are better off posting less frequently and focusing on improving the content. If you are a blogger or are managing a blog, think of yourself like a newspaper journalist. Can you churn out enough content for a daily newspaper article? If not, you are likely better suited for a weekly column in the Sunday paper. Find your sweet spot in terms of frequency and then move onto item number two, distribution!

Lack of distribution

The issue:
This is one of the most overlooked components of blogging. I’ve worked with plenty of brands who have written great content but when I’d look at Google Analytics, I’d see that there were only 50 visitors to their amazing blog post. If you are going to spend the time to write a great piece of content, please do me a favor and make sure…