How Social Media Can Drive Brand Loyalty

How Social Media Can Drive Brand Loyalty. Case in point: Social media followers. Most businesses would surely prefer 10 followers—if they are loyal, paying customers who recommend your business to all their friends—to 100 followers who are casual and uninvolved. Using Social Media to Enhance Brand Loyalty Focus on value. We say this all the time, but it’s important: The best question you can ask when considering content shares is, what’s in it for my customers? You can directly market your company the other 20 percent. Providing real, free value over spammy self-promotion is how trust is formed. If you want your social media followers to stay connected and engaged with your brand, and to keep your company in the forefront of their mind, you’ve got to post regularly. You might as well not post at all. A lot of companies post content to social media sites, but are they actually interacting with followers?

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In most areas of life, quality is of considerably greater importance than quantity. Case in point: Social media followers. It’s definitely significant for your company Facebook page to have a lot of followers, for instance, but it’s not especially meaningful if those followers don’t ultimately become faithful customers. Most businesses would surely prefer 10 followers—if they are loyal, paying customers who recommend your business to all their friends—to 100 followers who are casual and uninvolved.

And as it happens, social media can be a powerful tool for cultivating this kind of loyalty. We’ll offer you a few ways how.

Using Social Media to Enhance Brand Loyalty

Focus on value. We say this all the time, but it’s important: The best question you can ask when considering content shares is, what’s in it for my customers? Everything you offer should address their pain points or their needs, or at the very least make them chuckle. Remember to follow the 80-20 rule…