The Holiday Marketing Guide for Small Businesses

The Holiday Marketing Guide for Small Businesses

Besides a contest, you can make your business kid-friendly by providing a children’s space with toys and books to keep tired, fussy kids occupied while parents do their holiday shopping. Customers will be more likely to buy so they can receive the free gift. This sale day encourages consumers to “shop small” and give independent business a chance in between the huge Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales of larger brands. Reward customers who shop local with special deals and offers on Small Business Saturday. Find some time to add beautiful holiday-themed decor to your storefront to get into the spirit. As a small business, you should consider giving back to your community during the holiday season. Even though the holiday season is still a little ways off, it’s a great time to start planning those promotions!

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The Holiday Marketing Guide for Small Businessesshutterstock

We have officially entered the holiday season! October through January is filled with holidays from Halloween to New Years. As a small business, you can take advantage of this joyful time by taking your marketing efforts to the next level. There are many different ways a small business can celebrate (and profit from) the holidays, so let’s jump right into to our extensive guide.

Customer appreciation

1. Holiday cards

Send out personalized holiday cards to your most loyal customers. While your customers expect to receive a Christmas card from their grandparents, they aren’t expecting one from your small business. This will be sure to leave a positive impression and shows that you truly appreciate your loyal customers. If you don’t have the resources to send out personalised cards, you can also hand out cards to customers in-store or include them in online orders.

2. Kid-friendly fun

A great way to capture customers is through their kids. Hold a kids’ contest like a make-your-own-ornament contest or holiday coloring contest. You can give away one big prize or give everyone small prizes, like halloween candy or swag. Besides a contest, you can make your business kid-friendly by providing a children’s space with toys and books to keep tired, fussy kids occupied while parents do their holiday shopping.

3. Entertainment

Not just the kids need to be entertained while they are out shopping. Think about hiring musicians or a DJ to play in your store or outside your restaurant to attract customers and get them in a joyful mood.

4. Giveaways

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Show your customers how much you appreciate them by giving away useful items with each purchase, like good-quality wrapping paper or ribbons for gift wrapping. You could also give away nice gifts with purchase, that can serve as stocking stuffers. Customers will be more likely to buy so they can receive the free gift. Want something more branded? Print a personalized calendar to give out to your clients, a perfect gift for the new year. For example, a dog groomer could showcase a different breed of dog each month.

5. Perks

Use perks to stay competitive during the holiday season. Draw in customers with perks such as free shipping, gift-wrapping options, double loyalty points or guaranteed-before-Christmas delivery dates.

Holiday sales

6. Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest sales of the year, so you should take advantage…