4 Trends That Will Shape (or Continue to Shape) Content Marketing in 2018

4 Trends That Will Shape (or Continue to Shape) Content Marketing in 2018

And this makes sense because, compared to 2016, more businesses in 2017 have had success with content marketing. In that context, here are several trends that will shape content marketing in 2018. In 2018, brands can be expected to spend more budget dollars for content marketing, making it more competitive with other types of marketing. Video marketing Video is the future of content marketing. Additionally, 64 percent of marketers agree that video will soon dominate their content marketing strategies. By incorporating video into your sales process, you can provide your customers a self-serve, on-demand user experience. Of course, content personalization is a challenging task, requiring a long-term, involved effort from your content team. User-generated content Brands are investing in user-generated campaigns that encourage their loyal customers to become brand advocates and share their positive experience with friends on social media. Like any marketing discipline, content marketing changes over time. Just as you'd do in response to any other trends out there, it’s imperative that you get out ahead of those in your industry before those trends become old news.

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4 Trends That Will Shape (or Continue to Shape) Content Marketing in 2018

Content marketing is constantly evolving. Just as it did in previous years, content marketing can be expected to remain a key strategy to increase brand awareness and acquire new customers.

And this makes sense because, compared to 2016, more businesses in 2017 have had success with content marketing. The key to continued success in this effort is your ability to anticipate upcoming trends and embrace change as quickly as possible.

In that context, here are several trends that will shape content marketing in 2018.

Content production

Content marketing is known to be a small business’s best method for acquiring customers since it doesn’t require a huge budget. However, according to various reports, big brands like Apple, Facebook and Google are also investing significant dollars in original content. So, consistent and original content is apparently all the rage — for all types of business.

In 2018, brands can be expected to spend more budget dollars for content marketing, making it more competitive with other types of marketing.

So, if your business is determined to keep producing high-quality, relevant content on a consistent basis, you might consider recruiting help by hiring a content team.

You can start with a documented content strategy and plan an editorial calendar to streamline the entire content marketing process. Clearly define team roles to keep everyone on the same page. Then, analyze your progress on a consistent basis and refine your strategy as you go forward.

Video marketing

Video is the future of content marketing. Cisco…