How to Generate Leads Using Video Marketing

How to Generate Leads Using Video Marketing

Author: Fabrizio Moreira / Source: Business 2 Community What do you think about this? Interesting Not Interesting Share Tweet Human beings

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Human beings are more attracted towards visual content over the written words. It is the brain’s natural reaction as the visual medium is much easier to process. In the recent years the world of marketing has figured out how to make use of this cognitive process to advertise which has given rise to the flood of video advertisements. Psychology Today says that 39% of the consumers are more likely to share a piece of content if it’s delivered to them in the form of video. Not only that, 36% of them might even comment and whopping 56% of them have a chance of giving it a ‘like’. Therefore, it is unanimously agreed that a video has a higher chance of reaching out to people over a simple text ad.

Are you looking to generate more leads with your marketing? Video is the way to go. If you want your business to attract quality leads, it is time to make yourself a video now! Here are some of the things you can do to attract leads using your video advertisement.

Make the right video

The first and the most important thing about a video campaign is creating the right video. To make an effective video you need to consider a number of things.

  • Type

Firstly, choose the type of video you want to make. There can be a number of different approaches to video marketing. You can make an advertisement video, presenting your products or services. This is the most popular form of video. It is direct, potent and has generally exhibited good results. The other common type of advertisement is through a story or a scenario played out by actors, which is a slightly less direct but quite effective a way to go about your campaign. You can also opt for a documentary style where you give your viewers an inside glimpse into your company or organization with a more subtle reference to your work. It is also very popular these days to make a video of testimonials. Instead of a blatant advertisement, these advertise your work through customer reviews

  • Time

It is important to keep the length of the video short and crisp. A longer video needs a bigger budget. Moreover, if you opt for paid ads, certain media charge you per minute which would make it pretty expensive. But most importantly, people tend to lose focus, usually after around 3-4 minutes hence it is a good idea to keep it short. But if it is too short, it will not leave a lasting impression on the viewers. However, if your content is gripping, people would be more inclined to watch, even if it is a tad longer.

  • Audience

Your target audience is what will determine the content of the video. In order to make an engaging video which has a widespread impact on the right kind people, you need to study and understand the likes, needs and desires of the target group. A number of factors like age group, educational qualification, occupation, social…