3 Things You Can Do to Get Your Customers Gabbing

3 Things You Can Do to Get Your Customers Gabbing

Ironically, organizations often spend tons on lead generation and then forget that those leads deserve to be treated well. Wonder how many of those same practices treat those leads like gold? After all, enthusiasts buy more than occasional shoppers do -- they're BFFs with your business. Of course, lots of people are unwilling to develop such a team because it’s time-consuming. Good thing I had a crazy drive to prove my worth and make a splash. I didn’t do it knowing he’d become a fan -- I did it because it dovetailed with my belief that every company should deliver out-of-this-world customer service. But the company took the time to make things right, which surprised and satisfied her. Sometimes, a remedy requires you to tell your wife and kids you blew your profits on doing the right thing. Keep in mind that going all-in can sometimes be as simple as reaching out with a phone call or handwritten note in the right context. Word of mouth is right down the street, at the corner of Extra Mile and Hard Work.

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3 Things You Can Do to Get Your Customers Gabbing

You might run an online company, but don’t assume that means you can skirt your customer service duties. Offline word-of-mouth can be more powerful — and profitable — than all the Google ads in the world. Just ask Expedia.

Sure, it’s an online giant grabbing for a big slice of the $2.7 billion a day — that’s $1.9 million per minute — that travelers spend on trips to and within America alone, according to the U.S. Travel Association. But Expedia isn’t seeing phenomenal success just because it’s virtual. Engagement Labs’ latest TotalSocial rankings indicate that Expedia soars ahead of the competition, thanks to offline chatter directly related to its customer engagement strategies. Clearly, the travel site is enjoying the sweet benefits of its service smarts.

Your company should be so lucky, huh? News flash: Your future isn’t tethered to fate or reliant on content. In this era of information overload, your only hope is to cut through the billions upon billions of words and do one thing: Take care of your customers. When you do, they’ll spread the word.

Recognize that you’ll be stuck in the mud without word-of-mouth.

Ironically, organizations often spend tons on lead generation and then forget that those leads deserve to be treated well. Survey Anyplace notes that financial firms spend almost $50 per person to bring in clients. That’s a lot of dinero. Wonder how many of those same practices treat those leads like gold?

It’s important to turn your customers into a team of cheerleaders who never stop talking you up. Researchers at the Center for Integrated Marketing and Sales at the University of North Carolina say having loyalists who drive people to your door makes a trackable mark in your coffers. After all, enthusiasts buy more than occasional shoppers do — they’re BFFs with your business.

Of course, lots of people are unwilling to develop such a team because it’s time-consuming. But I had no choice. I was a farm kid whose parents were noticeably absent from the country club’s “Who’s Who of the Midcontinent” roster. Connections? Zip. Pedigree? Don’t make me laugh. Good thing I had a crazy drive to prove my worth and make a splash.

Case in point: The time I discovered that Young Entrepreneur Council CEO Scott Gerber had a broken smartphone. He lives on his phone, so it was a calamity. I made sure when he arrived at his next hotel, an iPhone…