10 useful tools for writing compelling content for SEO

10 useful tools for writing compelling content for SEO. Writing SEO content is the heart and soul of effective optimization but it’s far from an easy task. Google Keyword Planner Here’s another free option developed by the world’s most prominent search engine. The tool will run analysis and let you know whether your website’s content is relevant. You can provide information about the project’s specifics and choose the writer that will do the best job. Still, paying for professional content will be a smart idea. If you’re doing competition research, SpyFu will let you know which organic keywords the website is ranking for, the estimated monthly SEO click value, the keywords for which the website has made it to the first page of the search engine results and its most prominent competition. SpyFu can also be used to rank keywords in terms of popularity and competitiveness. The tool makes it easy for people who aren’t graphic designers to put together professional infographics and charts. WooRank is one of the best SEO analysis tools out there.

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Almost 93% of all online experiences begin with a search
engine and 70% of the links that people click are

Do you need more evidence that SEO is the way to
go when it comes to boosting the popularity of your website and
your brand? When it comes to inbound marketing, no other technique
can deliver the same results.

Writing SEO content is the heart and soul of effective
optimization but it’s far from an easy task. Various tools can be
used to simplify the process and make it more effective.

If you’re just getting started with SEO content, you’ll find the
following 10 tools to be quite useful.

1. Google Search Console

This one is an absolute essential for the execution of your SEO
Google Search Console
gives you access to tons of information
about the performance of your website, as well as to various

Search Console Search Analytics

You can learn which pages are delivering the best performance,
the keywords that people are using to reach your content and the
number of pages that have been indexed already. Based on this
information, it will be a whole lot easier to modify the
content strategy
and make it much more targeted.

2. Google Keyword Planner

Here’s another free option developed by the world’s most
prominent search engine.

Keyword Planner
lets you know which keywords in the respective
niche are most popular. You’ll also find out how competitive a
particular phrase of interest is. Choosing high volume keywords
that aren’t too competitive will form the backbone of a solid SEO


3. SEMrush

Doing competition analysis is just as important as understanding
what optimized texts should feature. Luckily, there are tools you
can use for the purpose.


When it comes to competition research, SEMrush is one of your safest bets.
You’ll get a detailed domain overview that features the keywords
your competitor is ranking well for, whether they’re carrying out a
campaign, the number and types of backlinks that they
have and the main organic competitors of the respective domain.

4. nTopic

You know what your main topic is and you know what you want to
accomplish with your content. Have you managed to complete the task
successfully, however? nTopic
will let you know.


All that you have…