5 Social Media Trends You Need For A Killer Marketing Strategy

5 Social Media Trends You Need For A Killer Marketing Strategy

Video Video is perhaps one of the most effective forms of content on social media. The consumption of video is only going to increase, meaning brands must create a strategy that produces high-quality, relevant content that serves real value and catches attention. Chatbots Social media has become an unprecedented channel for customer service. These bots are an incredibly powerful way to instantly connect with and deliver a personalized experience for your users. Your website should be optimized for mobile, meaning it must have a responsive design and must quickly load on mobile devices. Social listening tools help you actively engage in conversations about your brand. These influencers have a close-knit following of people who are connected with them and who strongly value their opinion. Reach out to micro-influencers and ask them to share their personal story in connection with your brand. In fact, according to Think with Google, YouTube stars are more influential than traditional celebrities. With a carefully planned social strategy, you’ll certainly see your efforts deliver improvement across all metrics.

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Unless you’ve been hiding out in the dark ages, you know social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. Everything from the degree of personal information we share to the way we communicate with others has completely evolved.

Whether this shift has been for better or for worse, is your personal judgment. However, no one can deny the significant impact it’s had on how we live and function on a daily basis.

The impact of social media is no different in the business world. Companies who strive to be innovative trailblazers in their respective industries must leverage social to set themselves apart. Social media isn’t something that can be mastered overnight, nor something that you can mindlessly manage.

When it comes to a successful social strategy that delivers an ROI, you must keep a close eye on rising trends that elevate your marketing efforts to a new level.


Video is perhaps one of the most effective forms of content on social media. If you haven’t integrated video into your strategy yet, now’s the time to start.

The consumption of video is only going to increase, meaning brands must create a strategy that produces high-quality, relevant content that serves real value and catches attention.

This highlights ephemeral video content that’s short-lived, up to 24 hours, which is increasingly becoming popular. And social platforms are catching on to it, with Facebook and Instagram housing their Stories features, which are very similar to the pioneer of ephemeral video – Snapchat. This type of short-lived content drives the best engagement if it’s done right.

Other forms of video like live streaming is an incredibly effective way to capture the attention of your audience. In fact, users comment 10x more on live videos than they do on regular videos on Facebook.


Social media has become an unprecedented channel for customer service. Brands are continuously uncovering the true power of bots when it comes to communicating with their audience.

Chatbots are able to answer your customers’ questions or concerns in real-time when they land on your site. If it’s done correctly, your customer won’t be able to detect whether they’re talking to a human or robot.

These bots are an incredibly powerful way to instantly connect with and…