Bring the YouTube Experience to Your Website with a Vidyard Video Hub

Bring the YouTube Experience to Your Website with a Vidyard Video Hub

Videos are, without a doubt, the best way to guide potential buyers through your product offering because they’re persuasive and quick to consume. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you identify with the classic “where’s that video” scenario that plays out in most companies. A Dedicated Spot for Your Video Library A Vidyard Video Hub is a centralized location you can use to showcase your entire video collection on your website. Whether it’s product demo videos, educational whiteboard videos, or recorded webinars, you can showcase select playlists for your audience to view, or even set up multiple Video Hubs for different audiences, campaigns, or departments. For example, you could have a Video Hub for potential customers to browse through the best of your branded content, and a separate Hub for internal training where your sales team can learn more about your latest messaging. Your Brand Your Way A Video Hub not only showcases your content in strategic categories or playlists, but it can also be branded with your company’s look and feel. One of the best aspects of a dedicated video experience on your website is the SEO benefits you gain. With each new video you add to a Video Hub you can add detailed tags, descriptions, and titles to help you gain better search visibility. Ensuring all shared videos have the same look and feel as our website just makes our web presence that much more seamless and professional.” How Can You Get a Video Hub? Let us know what you think of the new Video Hubs below!

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Videos are, without a doubt, the best way to guide potential buyers through your product offering because they’re persuasive and quick to consume.

Studies have shown that the modern buyer needs to go through four to seven pieces of content before shortlisting a solution, so imagine the impact of having a dedicated “videos” section on your website. It’s here that prospects can make their way through videos mapped to the sales funnel in a ‘lean back’ experience and explore all your brand has to offer.

In today’s digital space there’s a need to bring a YouTube-like viewing experience to your company’s website. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you identify with the classic “where’s that video” scenario that plays out in most companies. Just take a look at what happens when your videos don’t live in one convenient location:

In response to this need, today we’re proud to introduce our latest product, Vidyard Video Hubs.

A Dedicated Spot for Your Video Library

A Vidyard Video Hub is a centralized location you can use to showcase your entire video collection on your website.

Here's a video hub example

Whether it’s product demo videos, educational whiteboard videos, or recorded webinars, you can showcase select playlists for your audience to view, or even set up multiple Video Hubs for different audiences, campaigns, or departments.

For example, you could have a Video Hub for potential customers to browse through the best of your branded content, and a…