4 Things My Inbox Taught Me About the Type of Email Content That Gets Your Attention

4 Things My Inbox Taught Me About the Type of Email Content That Gets Your Attention

Compelling email content can help your business stay top-of-mind among your customers, but make sure your emails aren't getting quickly sent to the junk folder. With the large volume of emails in our inboxes every day, however, we're forced to filter the email content we receive. When email content is done right, it piques your curiosity. To figure out what makes an email successful, I took a look in my own inbox. Yet, the company that installed my hardwood floors sends me tips throughout the year on all things related to hardwood floors, and more. Over the years, this company has grown its business and expanded its service offerings. Even though this company offers a one-time purchase, it continuously offers valuable advice on topics related to home improvement and maintenance. Is there a seasonal aspect to your business? But, if your customers rarely receive a "special offer" email from your business, they're more likely to pay special attention when they do. Each of the email messages you send should point your customers to content that will resonate most with them.

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Compelling email content can help your business stay top-of-mind among your customers, but make sure your emails aren’t getting quickly sent to the junk folder.

4 Things My Inbox Taught Me About the Type of Email Content That Gets Your Attention

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

We’ve all heard that content is king. While the saying may be trite, it’s true that valuable content can help you attract customers and nurture your relationships with them. By content, I mean blogs, newsletters, videos, podcasts, white papers, infographics and other digital media that helps you get your message across.

While it may be often overshadowed by the reach of social media, email is still one of the most cost-effective and powerful digital platforms for sharing your content with customers. With the large volume of emails in our inboxes every day, however, we’re forced to filter the email content we receive. If you’re like me, you’ve had this conversation with your inbox as you scroll through the dozens of messages you receive: “Hmm, that’s interesting,” “save this, you may need it later,” “delete,” “nice try,” “delete,” “funny,” and, well, “delete.” When email content is done right, it piques your curiosity. When it’s done wrong, it winds up in the trash.

To figure out what makes an email successful, I took a look in my own inbox. I looked at emails I’ve recently received from businesses to try to understand what works and why. The emails that earned my attention and didn’t get quickly sent to my junk folder fell into the following categories.

In with the new

Installing hardwood floors is something most homeowners only do once. Yet, the company that installed my hardwood floors sends me tips throughout the year on all things related to hardwood floors, and more. They do a great job of showing before and after photos of projects they’ve worked on. Who doesn’t like a little home decor inspiration? Over the years, this company has grown its business and expanded its service offerings. While I haven’t used any of the new services, I’m aware of them, and I’ve referred my friends to the company. Even though this company offers a one-time purchase, it continuously offers valuable advice on topics related to home improvement and maintenance. Most importantly, when it mentions something “new,” I give the company my attention because it’s earned it.

It’s that…