‘C U in the NT’ tourism slogan causes social media stir

'C U in the NT' tourism slogan causes social media stir. Could a swear word breathe new life into the Northern Territory tourism industry? It is an unconventional strategy but there are signs it is paying off for the mystery creatives behind the "C U in the NT" logo. The controversial design surfaced online late last week and it has rippled across social media and generated international coverage. It is not affiliated with the government body Tourism NT, which, along with other industry groups, has been working to reverse a decline in tourist numbers which have not improved since 2000. You're now entering the true heart of our beautiful country. A few hundred clicks southwest of Alice Spring is Kata Tjuta, otherwise known as The Olgas - a stunning rock formation comprising of 36 domes. When your friends CU in NT, they'll be wishing they were there with you!

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Could a swear word breathe new life into the Northern Territory
tourism industry?

It is an unconventional strategy but there are signs it is
paying off for the mystery creatives behind the “C U in the NT”

The controversial design surfaced online late last week and it
has rippled across social media and generated international

It is not affiliated with the government body Tourism NT, which,
along with other industry groups,
has been working to reverse a decline
in tourist numbers which
have not improved since 2000.

You’re now entering the true heart of our beautiful country. A
few hundred clicks southwest of Alice Spring is Kata
, otherwise known as The Olgas – a stunning rock formation
comprising of 36 domes. When your friends CU in NT, they’ll be
wishing they were there with you!