4 simple tips to crush your content marketing in 2017

4 simple tips to crush your content marketing in 2017

Consider LinkedIn, which recently released its list of the Top Voices of 2016, along with sharing specific tips on how to get your content noticed on the platform. Tip 1: Consider your audience Your blogs or other forms of content should always be created with a specific audience in mind. Headlines are that important. The two most important things are to clearly identify your target audience in the headline and make it clear what the benefit or value that target audience will get by reading your post. Some quick examples: 5 key questions entrepreneurs should always ask before hiring a CPA What Every Business Coach Needs to Know About Finding New Clients on LinkedIn 3 Ways Online Video Helps Debt Collection Agencies Win Business and Increase Customer Retention If you haven't the first clue about crafting killer headlines, fear not! Tip 4: Don't forget a CTA One common mistake I see all the time on LinkedIn is this: A person creates an eye-catching, click-worthy headline, then backs it up with solid content inside his or her LinkedIn post. If you're not using a CTA every time you publish a new blog on LinkedIn, you're making a huge mistake. Think about it: If someone likes your post enough to read all the way to the end, you have earned the right to invite him or her further into your sales funnel. Content = currency Even if you're not a huge fan of blogging, find other ways to create useful content that appeals to your target audience. John Nemo is the author of the Amazon Bestseller “LinkedIn Riches.” Register for his free webinar on generating more business with LinkedIn, or get access to his free video training series , “How To Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile!” John Nemo is the Author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller “LinkedIn Riches: How to Leverage the World’s Largest Professional Network to Enhance Your Brand, Generate Leads and Increase Revenue!”

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In today’s online marketplace, content is currency. Love it or hate it, you must create useful, actionable free content if you want to “buy” the time and attention of your ideal prospects online.

Consider LinkedIn, which recently released its list of the Top Voices of 2016, along with sharing specific tips on how to get your content noticed on the platform.

And, with more than 3 million unique content creators and writers using LinkedIn’s built-in publishing platform, trust me when I say even the most seasoned content creators can benefit from the tips below!

Tip 1: Consider your audience

Your blogs or other forms of content should always be created with a specific audience in mind.

Is your content targeted at employees in the financial services industry? Or is it targeted at C-suite execs? Entry level employees? Freelancers? Women in the workplace? Millennials? Debt collectors in the healthcare space?

You get the idea — the more specific you can be, the better traction your post will get. On LinkedIn, as always, the riches are in the niches.

However you organize your thoughts around your topic, make sure it always brings value to your target audience. Your points should always be supported by evidence — data, statistics, examples, personal anecdotes, etc. — which should appeal to your audience’s core desire and/or meet a pressing need.

For example, some of my key audiences include business coaches, consultants and small-business owners looking to build a powerful platform on LinkedIn. When I create content that serves those audiences, I use my own real life successes and failures, as well as those of other coaches, consultants and small-business owners who have mastered how to generate business for themselves on LinkedIn.

If you need help identifying your target audience, begin with niche industries — especially if you’ve already generated great results for clients in a specific industry.

Even more important, make sure you give readers some actionable advice or tactics, ones they can immediately utilize to achieve their professional goals.

If you do this, you’ll demonstrate authority and expertise instead of just claiming it. That right there sets you apart from a vast majority of competitors online.

Tip 2: Become a headline hero

It doesn’t matter how well a post is written if nobody ever reads it. In fact, you should spend 80 percent of your time on your post’s headline, and 20 percent of your time on the actual content you create. Headlines are that important.

I cannot state this strongly enough: You need to put the same amount of effort and creativity into show-stopping headlines that you do with the actual content of your posts.

For example, LinkedIn blogs are being read by busy professionals, who are scanning through lots of options on their phone, laptop or tablet. Will your headline stop their scroll long enough to earn a click?

When it comes to crafting a killer headline, don’t worry about being…