Building a Content Team: A #CMWorld Chat with Andrea Ames

Building a Content Team: A #CMWorld Chat with Andrea Ames

Marketing departments are evolving. And that means the makeup of our teams is changing. To help shed light on some answers, Andrea Ames joined us on a recent #CMWorld Twitter chat. What skills are most critical when setting up your content teams? – Research & data analysis#CMWorld — Andrea L. Ames (@aames) February 20, 2018 A2: I think it’s imperative to mix and match skill sets. When you add variety in skills, you open up the doors to brainstorm and find a new, better way to do something. A5: Content teams are dynamic systems. Most important: Leadership. #CMWorld — Andrea L. Ames (@aames) February 20, 2018 A5: For me it the 3Cs: Communicate clearly and often; show the return on Collaboration and work hard on building an inclusive Culture. Hear Andrea discuss the strategic transformation of content teams at this year’s Intelligent Content Conference.

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Marketing departments are evolving. And that means the makeup of our teams is changing. If you’re building a new content team or growing your existing team, you may have a lot of questions about roles, processes, and measurement. To help shed light on some answers, Andrea Ames joined us on a recent #CMWorld Twitter chat. Andrea is Content Experience Strategist and founder and CEO of Idyll Point Group.

What follows is a brief recap of our discussion.

What skills are most critical when setting up your content teams?

A2: Augment core content skills with some additional, more specialized content skills:
– Info architecture & content engineering (@mrcruce) for optimizing and managing large content libraries thru modeling, tech, governance
– Research & data analysis#CMWorld

— Andrea L. Ames (@aames) February 20, 2018

A2: I think it’s imperative to mix…