How to Create Content for Your ABM Strategy [Infographic]

How to Create Content for Your ABM Strategy [Infographic]. You know account-based marketing (ABM) is an effective way to engage your target audiences. But how can you create all that scalable, personal, and relevant content to support your ABM strategy? An infographic from Marketo shows you top-secret tricks for creating content for your target accounts. Fully 82% of prospects value content created for their specific industries, the infographic states, and 67% value content for their specific job functions. One tip from Marketo: When creating personas, determine which visuals appeal to specific groups. Doing so allows you to give your audience targeted content and gives you an efficient way to create it. For more ideas on how to efficiently create content for ABM, check out the infographic:

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How can ABM Drive your Content Marketing Strategy

You know account-based marketing (ABM) is an effective way to engage your target audiences. But how can you create all that scalable, personal, and relevant content to support your ABM strategy?

An infographic from Marketo shows you top-secret tricks for creating content for your target accounts.