How to Create More Effective Content When Resources Are Thin

How to Create More Effective Content When Resources Are Thin

The power of content marketing to achieve marketing goals can become a sort of catch-22 for small to mid-sized businesses, startups, and any organization that doesn’t boast a six-figure content budget. Hone in on the essential metrics that will reveal how aligned your content marketing strategy is with your marketing goals. By doing this, you’ll be in a better position to respond to your analytics data so you can continually improve your strategy and ensure you have effective top, middle, and bottom of the funnel content in place to drive results. Use Free Marketing Tools From Google’s suite of free tools to free versions of industry leading marketing automation platforms, like MailChimp, there are plenty of free or low-budget tools you can use to boost your content quality and reach. Practice Active Reading When you’re trying to compete with every other brand in your niche for your target audience’s precious time, your content has to be extremely worthwhile. User-generated social content to a marketing video. Event marketing survey feedback or social analytics to white paper. By repurposing, you can use your well-performing content to reach more people through different channels. When you outsource your video production, content writing, social posts, event organizing, or other form of content, you don’t just save resources. Combine a bigger content marketing budget with your team’s honed skills for adept, resourceful content marketing, and eventually you will be creating the mind-blowing examples other brands are turning to for inspiration.

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The power of content marketing to achieve marketing goals can become a sort of catch-22 for small to mid-sized businesses, startups, and any organization that doesn’t boast a six-figure content budget.

Because it’s so effective – pretty much every high performing business is using content, with 91 percent of B2B organizations and 86 percent of B2C brands using it – the reality is, there is a flood of content out there.

And, all of it is competing for consumer attention.

How in the world can your content compete with stuff like this?

or this for photo company, VSCO:

and this for Corning Inc.:

Don’t give up because you don’t have the resources to include virtual reality, trendy influencers, and futuristic promotional videos in your strategy right now. Instead, be inspired. With a few tools, commitment, and a creative mindset, your organization can craft remarkably effective content without deep pockets.

Simplify Your Analytics

Want to get more impact out of your content? Hone in on the essential metrics that will reveal how aligned your content marketing strategy is with your marketing goals.

Instead of spreading your mental and temporal bandwidth on numerous metrics of varying degrees of relevancy, identify your top four to five that directly demonstrate how effective your content is throughout the sales funnel.

By doing this, you’ll be in a better position to respond to your analytics data so you can continually improve your strategy and ensure you have effective top, middle, and bottom of the funnel content in place to drive results. For example, just focusing on social media click-through rates, web traffic and lead page conversions, and sales conversions will give you essential feedback on your content.

Use Free Marketing Tools

From Google’s suite of free tools to free versions of industry leading marketing automation platforms, like MailChimp, there are plenty of free or low-budget tools you can use to boost your content quality and reach.

Canva, Hootsuite, WordPress, Wistia – there is something for content management, social and email automation, content writing, better headlines, digital illustration, video creation, content planning, in-depth analytics and every other facet of your content marketing.


As your budget grows, you’ll want to expand your use of platforms, either upgrading to paid subscriptions or integrating new tools into your marketing…