How to Double Your Sales Using Facebook Without Spending A Single Dollar

How to Double Your Sales Using Facebook Without Spending A Single Dollar

Considering that the top priority of 70% of marketers is to convert leads to customers, I’d say that’s a pretty good deal. Create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey Quick question: What is your process when you buy a product online? The path that you take from pinpointing your problem to making a final purchase decision is called the buyer’s journey. Customize your offers as much as possible. Also, if your audience is involved in the creative process of a new product, it means they’re emotionally invested. You can then have a Facebook storefront where you market your products and generate sales from within your Facebook page. Use Facebook bots to interact with your audience Messenger bots are the new hotshots on Facebook. It can be customer service, lead generation, product sales, customer research, or anything you want it to be. This means that the more leads you can capture, the more sales conversions you can make. Host weekly Facebook live videos I’m sure of one thing.

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facebook sales

Marketers have many things to be thankful for.

At the top of that list is social media.

Of course, Facebook has captured a significant share of the social networking landscape.

The sheer power that a marketer on a small budget has nowadays is simply incredible.

And it’s mainly due to social channels like Facebook.

Make no mistake: generating sales is still a tough job.

It used to be an expensive job too.

But times have changed.

Now it’s less about large budgets and more about marketing savvy.

In fact, you can drive sales for your business on Facebook with an entirely organic strategy.

No money needed.

No Facebook ads necessary.

Considering that the top priority of 70% of marketers is to convert leads to customers, I’d say that’s a pretty good deal.

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By the end of this post, you’ll have some powerful strategies to double your sales without having to spend a dime.

Let’s begin.

1. Create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey

Quick question:

What is your process when you buy a product online?

Do you immediately make the purchase or do you conduct research first?

My guess is, you do a whole lot of research.

You’re not alone.

More than 80% of shoppers research online before buying a product.

Just take a look at the information gathering process for a few industries:

What Are Connected Shoppers Doing and Not Doing Online

That’s a lot of information to sift through!

The path that you take from pinpointing your problem to making a final purchase decision is called the buyer’s journey.

And guess what?

Your prospects on Facebook go through the same path.

So if you’re not considering your buyer’s journey when creating content, you’ll be at a massive disadvantage.

There are three stages in the buyer’s journey.

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Conversion
What Is the Buyer s Journey

You can also go beyond the sales funnel.

Include a final stage where buyers become brand loyal.

This is where you’ll work towards improving your retention rates and increasing the lifetime value of each customer.

Later, when I give a strategy for upsells and cross sells, the loyalty of your existing customers will be tested.

So this is a critical stage.

Now, to generate sales you need to focus on the conversion stage, right?


That’s not how it works.

Your focus should be on all three stages.


The sales process is a holistic one.

You want your customers to have a frictionless journey through your Facebook sales funnel.

This means that you need to start priming your audience for purchase at the very beginning of the buyer’s journey.

As such, you should create content for each stage. This will help prospects move through your funnel seamlessly.

How do you know what content is appropriate for each stage?

You first have to define your buyer’s journey.

Consider all your offers.

Then, map the path that customers would take as they navigate through each stage.

Here’s what that process typically looks like.

  • Prospects discover they have a problem.
  • They find your solution.
  • They evaluate all their options by considering the benefits of your solution.
  • They compare your solution to others out there.
  • They make a final purchase decision.

Your goal is to figure out the details of each of these steps.

To help you with that, here’s what the buyer’s journey looks like from the marketer’s perspective:

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When you have that insight, you can then come up with content ideas that are going to help prospects through each phase.

That’s not too complicated, right?

Here are some examples of content for each stage of the buyer’s journey:

3 Steps to Creating a Content Inventory for the Buyer s Journey

2. Use product-specific groups to upsell or cross sell existing customers

Facebook groups need no introduction.

Ideally, you should already have groups dedicated to paying members of your products, programs, or services.

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If you don’t, I recommend that you get that sorted out.

The best time to get customers to join a group is immediately after a purchase. It will be tricky to put a group together long after customers have made a purchase.

You may have to incentivize them to join.

With that said, let’s jump right into upsells and cross sells.

What are they?

An upsell is where you entice existing customers to purchase a more expensive product or service.

A cross sell is where you sell a different product to an existing customer.

They both serve as profit maximizers.

Why bother with them?

A few reasons.

  • To increase your profits and revenue.
  • To increase the unit of sale for each customer. This is a critical business growth needle.
  • To increase your customer lifetime value.

Why do cross sells and upsells work so well?

It’s simple.

It’s infinitely easier to convert an existing customer than it is to convert a new prospect.

In fact, the probability of converting an existing customer is 60 to 70%.

4 Proven Customer Retention Strategies

Here are some strategies to use for upsells and cross sells.

Help customers achieve a transformation quicker. Your goal should be to help customers get past their pain points quickly.

Not only will it validate that your product or service works, but your customers will have a better experience overall.

The result?

A happy customer will be way more receptive to additional offers.

Here’s how you can speed the transformation process along.

  • Offer support sessions where you provide personalized feedback for implementing your solutions.
  • Have group coaching sessions.
  • Set up accountability partnerships within your groups. Pair group members who are in a similar stage so they can move each other along.
  • Host live Q&As in your group to answer your customer’s burning questions.

Customize your offers as much as possible. Present your profit maximizers at the exact time that your customers need it.

Naturally, every customer will be at a different milestone. This means that you have to segment your audience for the best results.

Why is this necessary?

It’s important that you provide a personalized experience for your customers.

A Forrester report revealed that 77% of consumers have “chosen, recommended, or paid more for a brand that provides a personalized experience.”

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