How to Get Thousands of Views on Your LinkedIn Content

How to Get Thousands of Views on Your LinkedIn Content

Write long-form status updates instead of LinkedIn articles. I'm not sure why LinkedIn gives more exposure to status updates than articles, but in my experience they most certainly do. Why does LinkedIn throttle reach on status updates with links? If you have a link that you want to share, make sure to place the link in the first comment of your post. Just make sure to let people know at the end of your post where they can find the link. When you start multiple conversations inside the comments of your status update, your post will be seen in a lot more LinkedIn news feeds. More visibility leads to even more engagement. In all of the engagement groups that I create, there's never a requirement to engage with all the content that gets shared in the thread. However, I've found that the more each participant engages with other people's content, the more engagement his or her content ends up getting. Engage with other people's content.

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How to Get Thousands of Views on Your LinkedIn Content

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We’ve all been there.

You spent four hours writing that LinkedIn article, and you were convinced that your network would love it. So, you hit the publish button and waited …

And waited …

And waited some more …

But, crickets were all you heard. Other than Awkward Lenny (from your first corporate job out of college) giving it a “like,” your article got zero engagement.

Unfortunately, that’s the all-too-common story of entrepreneurs who try to grow their personal brand on LinkedIn. You pour so much effort into a piece of content — and nobody sees it.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. In the last six months, my LinkedIn content has been viewed over 1.2 million times. And this visibility has generated well over $100,000 for our business (including a deal with a Fortune 100 company).

This is completely organic reach. I’ve never spent a dime in paid advertising on LinkedIn. So, what am I doing to get this kind of exposure? I’m glad you asked. Here are the seven things I do to get thousands of views on my LinkedIn content, and you can too:

1. Write long-form status updates instead of LinkedIn articles.

I’m not sure why LinkedIn gives more exposure to status updates than articles, but in my experience they most certainly do.

Status updates have a limit of 1,300 characters (which is approximately 250-300 words). This means that you can spend much less time creating content that gets far greater reach.

Make sure that the first sentence of your status update is captivating. People are scrolling their LinkedIn feed at lightning speed, and they’ll only see the first one or two sentences of your post as they scroll. So, if your first sentence doesn’t grab their attention and make them want to tap “See More,” your update will get left in the dust.

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2. Write one- to two-sentence paragraphs.

The reason for this is simple. Short paragraphs keep readers engaged.

Most people will be consuming your LinkedIn content from their phones. And reading massive blocks of text on a smartphone is no fun. If you want people to read your entire post, keep those paragraphs short and sweet.

3. Don’t put links in your status updates (put them in the first comment instead).

When I first started trying to get more reach on LinkedIn, this was my first experiment — and the results blew me away. Instantly, I went from getting 100-200 views per post to getting over 5,000 views per post. I was floored.

Why does LinkedIn throttle reach on status updates with links? My best guess is that it doesn’t want people leaving its platform.

If you have a link…