How to Leverage Your Brand’s Story to Drive Sales

How to Leverage Your Brand’s Story to Drive Sales

Everyone has a story. Instead, I’m talking about how you started your business. Take a look at how Mush Oatmeal shares their brand story: Rather than writing it, which is a more traditional route, they used a video to explain the motivation behind their brand. Stories like this make the brand attractive to consumers, making them more likely to buy its products. That said, not everyone will have the same story. Don’t make things up or embellish the truth to make yourself sound better. If you were emotional when you were creating your company, share those emotions with your audience. People who buy these bags purchase more than just the brand’s story. That’s why they buy these products. Find a way for your customers to relate to your brand’s story.

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Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

I’m not referring to your life story, although there are times when that can be intriguing as well. Instead, I’m talking about how you started your business.

What was your motivation?

Sure, everyone gets into business to make money, but there has to be more to it than that. Stories are a powerful way to connect with your audience.

That’s because they can elicit different types of emotions. The key is finding a way to drive sales by guiding these emotions.

One of my favorite ways to do this is by using your brand’s story.

I know what you’re thinking. Your brand’s story isn’t that interesting or worth sharing. Or maybe you’ve got a good story, but you just don’t know how to tell it.

But if you learn how to master the art of storytelling, it can help you increase sales revenue.

Not sure how to approach this? Don’t worry. I’ll teach you how to leverage your brand’s story to make more money. Here’s what you need to know.

Your story needs to be simple

For starters, it’s important for you to keep things simple.

We’re not trying to write a Martin Scorsese film here. Stay away from plot twists, mysteries, or thought-provoking endings with an open-ended interpretation.

Your story needs to have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Before you share your story, take the time to figure these components out.

Here are some of the most common elements that should be included in your brand’s story:


While you’d want to include as much information as possible, you’d also need to make sure it’s easy for people to understand.

The easiest way to do this is by starting your story with some sort of problem you’ve identified. Your audience will recognize it as your reason for going into business.

Shortly after sharing the problem your brand acknowledged, you need to talk about your solution.

Did you invent something? How did you make improvements to an already existing product?

This part of your story will help show what makes your brand different from competing companies in this market segment. Now is your chance to shine.

Finally, the story should end with your success. Coming up with a solution is much different from finding a method that’s successful.

Here’s a great example of this from SAXX Underwear:


SAXX manufactures and sells men’s underwear with a unique support pouch. Their story talks about how they landed on this design.

It explains how their founder was on a fishing trip and experienced discomfort with what he was wearing at the time. That’s the problem.

His solution was to create a hammock-like pouch that’s designed to keep men comfortable and dry. That’s the solution.

But he’s not quite at the success portion of the story yet. They continue explaining that it took 14 prototypes to finalize their first product. That’s the success story.

It’s also important that the ending of your story doesn’t make it sound as if it’s over. Make it clear that your business is still in operation. You’re trying to grow, prosper, and continue along the path of success.

SAXX does this well. They end the story by reinforcing that all of these years later, their focus is still the same.

Use this example as a template for how to tell your brand’s unique story.

Tell a story your customers can relate to

Depending on where your company currently stands at the moment, you might think your customers may not be able to relate to you.

Your company could be grossing hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, which the average person won’t be able to wrap their mind around.

This is a perfect opportunity for you to look back at where you got started. Was it difficult for you to become successful?

The struggle for success is something people can relate to. Most people deal with it on a daily basis. Just make sure you keep things simple as discussed above.

It’s imperative that you stick to the important details. For example, nobody cares about your negotiations with the banker as you were trying to secure a startup loan.

If you want to share a rags-to-riches story, you could just say something like, “We had $100 in the bank,” and it will paint a relatable picture without boring your audience with minor details.

Take a look at how Mush Oatmeal shares their brand story:


Rather than writing it, which is a more traditional route, they used a video to explain the motivation behind their brand. It’s a great idea because video marketing tactics increase sales.

In fact, 43% of consumers say they want marketers to provide more video marketing content.

But besides being creative in the way they shared their journey, Mush also made the story relatable.

They talk about how families buy big variety packs of oatmeal containing added sugar and preservatives from stores such as Costco.

The co-founders of this brand both had a passion for health and wellness. They felt big corporations were motivated only by profits, but Mush was motivated by providing consumers with nutrition.

That’s when they came up with the idea to provide fresh and cold oatmeal, which is different from what most people expect from…