This may be the best content marketing integration I’ve experienced. Should they use social? Search? But the very BEST way to make sure your content gets seen is to integrate it into your operations, and that is precisely the genius of Gulf Wild. I was recently in Galveston, Texas for the first time and dined at the BLVD Seafood restaurant, right on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico. I also learned the history of the Chelsea Ann, the fishing vessel that captured Mr. Grouper. The Chelsea Ann is 51 feet long, was built in 1978, houses four fishermen and the captain, and goes out on five to seven day trips to harvest 8,000 to 12,000 pounds of fish per journey. I also learned why my grouper tasted a little different than grouper I’ve had before, mostly in Florida. And of course, I learned that Gulf Wild is a content marketing and differentiation initiative of a non-profit organization of accountable, progressive and conservation-minded fishermen called The Gulf of Mexico Reef Shareholders’ Alliance. The BEST way to get your content seen?

This may be the best content marketing integration I’ve experienced.
And that’s an increasingly important topic, as content marketers fret about how to get eyeballs and ear holes to their creations. Should they use social? Search? Ads? Influencers? All have their merit.
But the very BEST way to make sure your content gets seen is to integrate it into your operations, and that is precisely the genius of Gulf Wild.
I was recently in Galveston, Texas for the first time and dined at the BLVD Seafood restaurant, right on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico.

I ordered grouper, as it’s one of my very favorite entrees. To my surprise, when Mr. Grouper arrived at my spot at the bar, he had a little notice sticking out of him, like the world’s smallest Realtor sign.
I pulled out the sign, and upon closer inspection realized it contained a unique tracking code and a URL to learn more about the life and times of this Grouper.
Intrigued, I grabbed my phone and headed to, where I entered my code, and Presto! All sorts of fascinating details were served up.
(Yes, I do realize this sounds like the plot of a famous episode of Portlandia!)
For example, I learned…