Content marketers sell with content. We're not primarily media creators—we're salespeople who use content as our weapon of choice. Our job is to create content that produces business results. To do that, we have to convert our audience into customers. There are a million reasons why marketing fails to drive sales. However, one of the most common is a misconception so subtle that many of us accept it without a challenge. Somewhere along the way, many marketers got a terrible idea drilled into them. We know content is supposed to be helpful, but we fell for the notion that being helpful means never actually selling our products or services. Yes, the content marketer's job is to be helpful. If your company is in business, it is already helpful.

Content marketers sell with content. We’re not primarily media creators—we’re salespeople who use content as our weapon of choice.
Our job is to create content that produces business results. To do that, we have to convert our audience into customers.
There are a million reasons why marketing fails to drive sales. However, one of the most common is a misconception so subtle that many of us accept it without a challenge.
Somewhere along the way, many marketers got a terrible idea drilled into them. We know content is supposed…