It’s now much harder to see if someone edited a Facebook post

It's now much harder to see if someone edited a Facebook post. Image: AP Have you ever made a cringeworthy mistake in a Facebook post? Don't lie, the answer is yes. If you have a sense of shame, Facebook at least allows you to go back and correct your gaffe by editing the post, a feature that certain other social media networks still haven't added. But evidence of your slip-up lived on with the tiny "Edited" label on the bottom of the post, signaling to your followers that you cared just enough to correct yourself on the internet. Sad. Apparently, however, that's no longer the case. Here's how the new editing looks, courtesy of my colleague Raymond Wong and his doubts about how cool the upcoming Nintendo Switch actually is. Edited Post I noticed that he added a comment about the Switch, so I checked out the post information, via the drop-down menu. Check out the edit history When I look at his edit history, I can see all the changes that were made.

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Have you ever made a cringeworthy mistake in a Facebook post? Don’t lie, the answer is yes.

If you have a sense of shame, Facebook at least allows you to go back and correct your gaffe by editing the post, a feature that certain other social media networks still haven’t added.

But evidence of your slip-up lived on with the tiny “Edited” label on the bottom of the post, signaling to your followers that you cared just enough to correct yourself on the internet. Sad.

Apparently, however, that’s no longer the case. It seems that Facebook has removed the on-post edited label, making it much more difficult to know when someone actually took the time to fix their mistake.

In order to actually know whether or not your eyes were playing tricks on you when a friend’s rant no longer has 15 spelling errors the second time you…