The Rise of Video Marketing and How it Affects Your Business

The Rise of Video Marketing and How it Affects Your Business

The Rise of Video Marketing and How it Affects Your Business. Research shows that 46% of consumers confirm they made a purchase after watching a branded social video. The best way to get your marketing messages across to the right people is by understanding the role your content is playing in the customer experience. As their purchasing power increases, it will be critical to recognize they are one of the largest consumers of video content and if you’re trying to reach them, you need to adopt and develop video strategies for engaging them successfully. From our perspective, the emotional experiences are foundations for business success. Brands creating videos can effectively set the tone, explain who they are, provide solutions, and share stories in a visually captivating way. Online videos are also easy to share and consume. Many marketers have the impression that delivering a video marketing strategy is difficult and expensive. You’ll need to know what type of content you'll make, who you're making this content for, where your content will live, and what the call to action will be. Ultimately, to truly appreciate the value of video as an effective business solution, don’t think of it as a one-hit wonder.

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It’s no secret that video use in content marketing is on the rise. Online video is becoming an efficient means for people to gather and consume information quickly and frequently impacts purchasing decisions. However, many businesses are failing to include it as part of their marketing strategies—doing so at their peril.

If you aren’t currently using video or don’t believe your strategy is effective or appropriate, now is the time to shift your thinking. Video is the perfect format to quickly grab busy audiences’ attention. Promoting visual and interactive content enables businesses to show, not tell. It can help explain more complicated stories in a short and compelling format viewers can enjoy—and marketers can measure.

Research shows that 46% of consumers confirm they made a purchase after watching a branded social video. That stat is supported by the reality that YouTube is the second-largest search engine. Additionally, half of the marketers who use video in email campaigns see increased click-through rates, increased time spent reading the email, and increased sharing and forwarding.

The best way to get your marketing messages across to the right people is by understanding the role your content is playing in the customer experience. By being customer-centric, you can speak directly to your target audience with the right message, at the right time of the customer journey. So, for example, if we’re talking about Generation Z, research shows that in four years, they will represent 24% of the U.S. workforce and 40% of consumer spending. As their purchasing power increases, it will be critical to recognize they are one of the largest consumers of video content and if you’re trying to reach them, you need to adopt and develop video strategies for engaging them successfully.

For the most part, individuals respond positively to emotional connections from large brands. Designing emotion into video requires new insight…