In this video from Entrepreneur Network partner Neil Patel, the marketer talks about examining other successful marketing strategies and making them work for you. Just because someone does one thing, doesn't mean you need to do the same. One man's highflying strategy may have totally a different outcome for another -- depending on the circumstances. Patel recommends, if you're going to copy someone, you should try to do it better. Make improvements that effectively make the same plan work harder and better for your business. Patel gives a good example from his personal experience. Before, he would spending thousands of dollars buying Facebook fans when Facebook's organic reach was at its heights. Now, Patel would not consider putting money behind such a strategy with these ads' lack of visibility. Click play to learn all of Patel's tips for an innovative marketing plan. Entrepreneur Network is a premium video network providing entertainment, education and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders.
In this video from Entrepreneur Network partner Neil Patel, the marketer talks about examining other successful marketing strategies and making them work for you. Just because someone does one thing, doesn’t mean you need to do the same. One man’s highflying strategy may have totally a different outcome for another — depending on the circumstances. Patel recommends, if you’re going to copy someone, you should try to do it better. Make improvements that effectively make the same plan work harder and better for your business.
Patel gives a good example from his personal experience. Before, he would spending thousands of dollars buying Facebook fans when Facebook’s…