Rock Your Content Marketing With The Collective Wisdom Codex

Rock Your Content Marketing With The Collective Wisdom Codex

“You spend so much time creating epic content, so why not spend that same amount of time coming up with a plan for distribution and promotion?.” — Cathy McPhillips @cmcphillips Click To Tweet The 2nd Pillar: Crafting Powerful Content The content creation stage is undoubtedly one of the most important and forward-facing parts of any successful content marketing campaign. Creating great content involves many aspects, including: Incorporating appropriate, effective, and engaging visuals Making sharing easy Harnessing the power of gamification Using fundamental SEO tactics Offering best-answer content Dig in to these and a sizeable collection of additional proven content creation strategies — including expert advice from Dr. John Medina, Joshua Nite, Jeff Bullas, Heidi Cohen, Caitlin Burgess, Liraz Rahmin Postan, Ashley Zeckman, Lee Odden, Rand Fishkin, Anne Leuman, Scott Adams, and even artist Paul Klee — in The Art Of Crafting More Powerful Content: 5 Top Tactics from the Experts. Dig in and learn relevant methods for creating engaging and bookmark-worthy messaging to help you create a successful content marketing campaign with 5 Powerful Messaging Tactics For 2019 And Beyond From Marketing Experts. “Today’s clients and colleagues have an eight second attention span. Eight seconds. You can uncover hidden content creation tactics by: Harnessing the power of staying fresh while thinking long-term Experimenting with new techniques Identifying appropriate needs through research Read Don’t Blink: 3 Often-Overlooked Practices for Highly-Effective Content Creation to get the full scoop. What are the best measurements of content marketing success? Über-smarties Tamara McCleary, Daniel Newman, Jay Acunzo, and some guy named Einstein are ready to share a great selection of helpful analytics tactics and insight to help you: Learn the fundamentals of data analytics Choose the tools that best fit your own particular needs Keep up on the latest measurement and analytics industry news These and other analytics tactics are covered in Measuring Content Marketing Success: Analytics Advice & Insight from the Experts, to give your content marketing a measurable advantage. The 8th Pillar: Beyond Analytics Break though old analytics limits and examine experimental trends and a glimpse at future metrics innovations, with helpful insight from Purna Virji, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Andy Mauro, Robert Rose, Courtney Cox Wakefield, Sergey Brin, Lee Odden, and Larry Page, including how to: Implement a truly better way to rank and relate various online content Think differently about how to measure performance and assess success Go from boring statistics to being the best answer Take advantage of the rising use of answer boxes and featured snippets Be ready for the confluence of influencer marketing and analytics Utilize smart data analytics to power a more relevant and authentic iteration of influencer marketing Widen your analytics scope with New Year, New View: 3 Ways to Approach Analytics in 2019, and study how Web pioneers including initially envisioned analytics and what some of them now hope to someday see. @Robert_Rose Click To Tweet Be A Lifelong Learner & Put It All Into Action In this codex of content marketing collection wisdom, we’ve looked at the full range of content marketing tactics and best practices, including planning ahead for success, the art of crafting powerful content efficiently, analytics, and several strong promotion tactics.

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Ancient codex books.

Our popular Collective Wisdom series has explored the entire B2B content marketing life-cycle. The eight-part series featured information-packed posts covering everything from creative conception to postmortem analytics.

As we settle in to the new year, we wanted to bring it all together here, in one handy B2B content marketing codex, to help jump-start your digital marketing campaigns for 2019. Read on!

The 1st Pillar: The Power of Planning Ahead

Collective Wisdom Series Part 1 Planning Ahead Chess Image

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Take her famous advice to heart, and create an actionable content plan long before beginning to create actual content.

You can boost your content marketing success and plan ahead by:

  • Documenting your plan
  • Building a sharer list
  • Incorporating content reuse ahead of time
  • Using audience personas
  • Finding your best distribution options

Explore these and other tactics for planning ahead with essential insight from Isla McKetta, Heidi Cohen, Caitlin Burgess, Cathy McPhillips, and others in How to Boost Your Content Marketing Efforts By Planning Ahead.

“You spend so much time creating epic content, so why not spend that same amount of time coming up with a plan for distribution and promotion?.” — Cathy McPhillips @cmcphillips Click To Tweet

The 2nd Pillar: Crafting Powerful Content

Craftsperson working and creating.

The content creation stage is undoubtedly one of the most important and forward-facing parts of any successful content marketing campaign. But being consistently successful at it is easier said than done.

Creating great content involves many aspects, including:

  • Incorporating appropriate, effective, and engaging visuals
  • Making sharing easy
  • Harnessing the power of gamification
  • Using fundamental SEO tactics
  • Offering best-answer content

Dig in to these and a sizeable collection of additional proven content creation strategies — including expert advice from Dr. John Medina, Joshua Nite, Jeff Bullas, Heidi Cohen, Caitlin Burgess, Liraz Rahmin Postan, Ashley Zeckman, Lee Odden, Rand Fishkin, Anne Leuman, Scott Adams, and even artist Paul Klee — in The Art Of Crafting More Powerful Content: 5 Top Tactics from the Experts.

The 3rd Pillar: Meaningful Messaging Tactics

Powerful redwood tree forest image.

How can you use clarity, tone, personalization, collaboration, and credibility to create dopamine-inducing messaging?

With powerful messaging tactics, marketing experts Debra Jasper, Purna Virji, Scott Monty, Lee Odden, and Roger Dooley give you the answers, exploring how to:

  • Use the right tone to engage your target audiences’ brains
  • Use clarity to deliver better messaging
  • Understand personalization to know your audience
  • Create better messaging through collaboration and credibility
  • Focus on the most-desired messaging outcomes.

Dig in and learn relevant methods for creating engaging and bookmark-worthy messaging to help you create a successful content marketing campaign with 5 Powerful Messaging Tactics For 2019 And Beyond From Marketing Experts.

“Today’s clients and colleagues have an eight second attention span. Eight seconds. To break through the noise, you must communicate with more power, clarity and impact.” — Debra Jasper @DebraJasper Click To Tweet

The 4th Pillar: Hidden Content Creation Practices

Green hedge row maze with hut.

Don’t blink, or you may overlook some fantastic content creation practices.

Take a look at the value of specific strategy practices that are sometimes overlooked or underutilized when it comes to creating strong content, featuring insight and examples from some of the world’s best digital marketers including Ann Handley, Jessica Best, Lee Odden,…