So, what is content marketing?

So, what is content marketing?

Rather than simply tell you what we think, we’ve curated a list from experts across the industry so you can form your own conclusions. We’ve grouped our top responses from each of several categories to help make the information manageable for you. And, full disclosure, our thoughts are included here, but only as an input to the overall list. One of the things we believe in most is our content marketing community. It would be great to compile a version 2 to this post in a few months, so please be sure to let us know what you think! Michael Brenner and the team at Marketing Insider Group share their version of the best content marketing examples. Our own Robert Rose and the team at The Content Advisory shares 18 non-monetary ways content marketing benefits your business. Did we miss an important topic you would like to learn more about? Of course, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that all of these experts, and many more, will be in Cleveland on September 4-7 for Content Marketing World 2018. It’s a great opportunity to hear from everyone who’s anyone in content marketing (and we have a lot of fun too).

Our Top 10 Content Marketing Posts of 2017
How Amanda Todorovich and the Cleveland Clinic Monetized Their Blog (And Why the Resulting Revenue is Just Gravy)
Top 10 Content Marketing Posts of 2017

When we’re talking about Content Marketing World to potential new attendees who are just learning about CMI and our events, the most common question is “What is Content Marketing World?” And, surprising as it may seem to us who live and breathe this every day, another frequent question is “What is content marketing?”

Content marketing as a practice has been around for many years, but there are still many opinions about how best to use it, when to employ it…even what content marketing is. Rather than simply tell you what we think, we’ve curated a list from experts across the industry so you can form your own conclusions.

We’ve grouped our top responses from each of several categories to help make the information manageable for you. And, full disclosure, our thoughts are included here, but only as an input to the overall list.

While we’ve done our best, we’re sure the list below isn’t all-inclusive (at least, not in the way an all-inclusive resort tends to your every need…wouldn’t that be nice?). We do believe it’s a start. And we welcome your input! One of the things we believe in most is our content marketing community. So please share your thoughts in the comments below. Did we miss anything? What other categories would you like to see here?

We sincerely hope this curated list helps you on your content marketing journey. It would be great to compile a version 2 to this post in a few months, so please be sure to let us know what you think!