The Essential Elements Every Business’s Website Should Contain

The Essential Elements Every Business’s Website Should Contain

Client list, testimonials and case studies If you’re a B2B marketer, your prospects want to know what companies, especially in their industry, you’ve served. This information appears on a page where these firms are listed by alphabetical order, industry, or other categories on a page labeled “Clients” or “Customers.” Testimonials are favorable comments of praise from satisfied clients or customers. Case studies are more detailed success stories of how your product or service helped a buyer solve a problem and gain a benefit such as saving time or money or increasing profits. Products and services Each product or service you sell should have its own page describing it. It’s important because customers want to know not only about the products you’re selling but also from whom they are buying those products. Second, articles and white papers, especially when they contain keywords your prospects search to find what you sell, raise your ranking with search engines. Blog The advantage of having a blog is that weekly or daily posts result in more frequent updates to your website content, another activity Google likes and rewards with higher ranking in its search engine. Also, the comments feature of blogs enables two-way communication with your visitors, creating more of a sense of community and getting them actively engaged with your ideas and offerings. These provide visitors with even more useful content, further optimizing your website for the search engines. The reason to have a unique URL for the CTA is that, when you’re doing a promotion with a specific offer, your ad or email should drive traffic directly to the CTA page and not your website’s homepage so you don’t frustrate visitors looking for the CTA page.

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The Essential Elements Every Business's Website Should Contain

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The following excerpt is from Robert W. Bly’s book The Digital Marketing Handbook. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound

Broadly speaking, your business’s website should tell visitors two things: what they need to know to make an intelligent decision about buying your products and what you want to tell them. A website can have a virtually limitless number of pages, but following are the major pages:


While there are many variations of homepage approaches and designs, there are three things an effective homepage communicates to the visitor right up front: who you are, what you do and why the prospect should be interested.

Client list, testimonials and case studies

If you’re a B2B marketer, your prospects want to know what companies, especially in their industry, you’ve served. This information appears on a page where these firms are listed by alphabetical order, industry, or other categories on a page labeled “Clients” or “Customers.”

Testimonials are favorable comments of praise from satisfied clients or customers. Case studies are more detailed success stories of how your product or service helped a buyer solve a problem and gain a benefit such as saving time or money or increasing profits. You should have a case study page, because some prospects will ask if they can read some case studies about your product or service.

Products and services

Each product or service you sell should have its own page describing it. Depending on what you sell, the description should include the name and model number, a product photo, what it is, what it does, advantages, benefits, color, construction material, options and accessories, sizes, product specifications and a button the visitor can click to order the item or at least request more detailed content, such as a PDF brochure or fact sheet.

How we work

For service businesses, this page, typically titled “How We Work” or “Methodology,” describes your work process to potential customers and clients. For manufactured products, quality control procedures and certifications (ISO 9002, GMP, FDA) can be part of the methodology page.

This page tells prospects…