The Plain-English Guide to Progressive Web Apps

The Plain-English Guide to Progressive Web Apps

But imagine if some of the world’s fiercest rivals put their differences aside and teamed up to assemble the best product or service on the market. In the digital age, you could say mobile websites and apps are rivals. Unfortunately, they soon discovered that mobile apps are quite sluggish and require more steps to access than mobile websites, like finding and downloading them from the app store. To develop an app that offers the speed of a mobile website and the user experience of a mobile app, Google decided to end the rivalry between mobile websites and apps and blended their best functionalities together, birthing the progressive web app in 2015. What's a progressive web app (PWA)? A progressive web app or a PWA is an application built on a web framework, allowing users to immediately use or install them on their phone or desktop by just visiting a website. Progressive Web App Examples Uber Starbucks 2048 Pinterest To provide their users who use low-end mobile devices with a similar web experience as their mobile app, Uber built a progressive web app that works on 2G networks. When you’re online, you can check each store location’s prices and place orders. When you play 2048 on its progressive web application, it looks and feels just like its mobile app, but its main differentiator is that you can play the game both online and offline. When Pinterest discovered that only 1% of their mobile users converted into sign-ups, logins, or native app installs because of their app’s poor user experience (a 23 second load time), they reconstructed their mobile app into a progressive web application.

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Whether it’s in sports, music, or business, rivalries always seem to make things more interesting. By allowing people to pick a side, rivalries make them feel like they truly belong to a tribe, which is a primal human need. Rivalries also push competitors to constantly outperform each other and, in turn, provide their target market with an ever-enhancing customer experience.

But imagine if some of the world’s fiercest rivals put their differences aside and teamed up to assemble the best product or service on the market. Could you imagine how electric an NSYNC-Backstreet Boys concert would be? Or the sheer power of a Microsoft-Apple supercomputer?

In the digital age, you could say mobile websites and apps are rivals. Brands developed mobile apps to phase out the use of their fast yet janky mobile websites when the demand for mobile devices exploded. Unfortunately, they soon discovered that mobile apps are quite sluggish and require more steps to access than mobile websites, like finding and downloading them from the app store.

To develop an app that offers the speed of a mobile website and the user experience of a mobile app, Google decided to end the rivalry between mobile websites and apps and blended their best functionalities together, birthing the progressive web app in 2015.

What’s a progressive web app (PWA)?

A progressive web app or a PWA is an application built on a web framework, allowing users to immediately use or install them on their phone or desktop by just visiting a website. They also don’t have to find and download PWAs from an app store. Additionally, users can use PWAs offline and receive push notifications from them. Put simply, a PWA is basically…