MediaPost Using Trust as the Driving Force Behind Marketing Strategies 61 percent of millennials are concerned about global conditions and feel personally responsible for making a difference, one of several signals of increasing opportunities for greater trust and brand integrity in marketing, and Adweek takes a close look. 44 percent of B2B companies gate some content, with 62 percent doing so primarily to generate leads, with 45 percent using gating to boost exclusivity, three of the findings from newly-released survey data. MarketingCharts Study: B2B Buyers Want A Seamless Ecommerce Experience The seamless online buying experiences Amazon Business and others have provided are pushing B2B buyers’ desire for similarly personalized and always-on responsive interactions from all their suppliers, with 60 percent demanding seamless customer experiences, according to new study data. MediaPost YouTube Now Tracks ‘Quality Watch Time’—but Is Still Working to Define ‘Quality’ YouTube users’ time spend not only watching videos but writing and reading comments are among new metrics the Google-owned platform has introduced to measure “quality watch time,” and Fortune takes a look at how this may change how digital marketers use YouTube. Fortune Pinterest introduces new conversion features for Promoted Pins and Videos Preparing for its IPO, Pinterest recently rolled out a number of new features for digital marketers, including conversion optimization and goals based on specific consumer actions, for promoted pins and videos. Marketing Land Privacy Scandals Haven’t Dented Social Media Use, According to New Pew Report Privacy and security failures over the past year haven’t slowed social media usage among U.S. adults, with usage mostly unchanged since 2016, according to newly-released survey data from the Pew Research Center, which found Facebook remains the top platform with 69 percent of respondents using it. PR Daily A lighthearted look at smart speakers and voice-driven AI by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist Lane’s Flashback Classic: Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes — The Onion Lee Odden — More Than Words: Classic Quotes from 22 Marketing Experts, and Why They Matter — LinkedIn (client) Lee Odden — An Undervalued Work Management Strategy: Listening — Workfront Lee Odden — What’s Trending: Keeping the Faith — LinkedIn (client) Lee Odden — Be The Best Answer: 4 Steps to Developing Winning Content — Jeannette DeBeauvoir Do you have your own favorite new influencer marketing or digital advertising stories for the week? Thank you for joining us, and we hope you’ll return next week for another look at the most relevant digital marketing industry news, and in the meantime you can follow us at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.
Google-Backed Study Finds People Willing To Trade Sensitive Data For Personalized Media
More than a quarter of U.S. and U.K. consumers are willing to share some location, purchase history, and banking information with smart voice assistants, while 46 percent are also willing to share their media usage history, according to new survey data from Google and the National Research Group (NRG). MediaPost
Using Trust as the Driving Force Behind Marketing Strategies
61 percent of millennials are concerned about global conditions and feel personally responsible for making a difference, one of several signals of increasing opportunities for greater trust and brand integrity in marketing, and Adweek takes a close look. Adweek
Influencers are flocking to a surprising new kind of social media [Escapex]
Customized influencer apps from decentralized social media platform Escapex represent a new twist on a longstanding social media theme, bringing new challenges and opportunities for digital marketers. Fast Company
Should B2B Marketers Gate Their Content?
44 percent of B2B companies gate some content, with 62 percent doing so primarily to generate leads, with 45 percent using gating to boost exclusivity, three of the findings from newly-released survey data. MarketingCharts
Study: B2B Buyers Want A Seamless Ecommerce Experience
The seamless online buying experiences Amazon Business and others have provided are pushing B2B buyers’ desire for similarly personalized and always-on responsive interactions from all their suppliers, with 60 percent demanding seamless customer experiences, according to new study data. MediaPost
YouTube Now Tracks ‘Quality Watch Time’—but Is Still Working to Define ‘Quality’
YouTube users’ time spend not only watching videos but writing and reading comments are among new metrics the Google-owned platform has…