The Simple 4-Step Process for Getting Yourself on TV

The Simple 4-Step Process for Getting Yourself on TV

The Simple 4-Step Process for Getting Yourself on TV. Finding an appropriate PR contact for television (such as a producer or assignment reporter) can be confusing. Each television show has numerous producers and reporters (i.e., executive producers, segment producers, booking producers), so it's important you contact the right one. Look on,, and even to find which producer covers particular segments on a given news or TV program. Additionally, your subject line should be: Limited to 12 words or fewer Include the name and segment of the outlet you’re pitching You can use “Int” as an abbreviation for “Interview” 3. Body Again, you’ll want to make sure that your email pitch shows you know the viewers the program is trying to reach, and what they find entertaining. Be sure to include five to seven talking points (i.e., things you can easily talk about in an interview. Finally, you absolutely must include a short video clip so the media can see who you are and how you appear on television. After the pitch. You can follow up one or two more times after that before moving onto the next show.

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The Simple 4-Step Process for Getting Yourself on TV

I know the thought of appearing on TV can sound scary and intimidating. If you’re not comfortable talking to others in public, if you’re socially challenged, or you’re absolutely terrified of being on camera (think: you start hyperventilating), then you may better off sticking with print and online media. But if you’re nervous and excited about the prospect of appearing on TV, then read on.

Finding an appropriate PR contact for television (such as a producer or assignment reporter) can be confusing. Each television show has numerous producers and reporters (i.e., executive producers, segment producers, booking producers), so it’s important you contact the right one. Look on,, and even to find which producer covers particular segments on a given news or TV program.

You can also DVR a program’s credits, and scrutinize them afterward. If you can’t find the right producer or assignment reporter, you can also call the news desk and ask for the producer or reporter who covers the beat that matches your expertise or brand. You can also check out HARO or for television opportunities.

1. Writing your pitch.

Your pitch must contain a specific idea for a story or segment. Remember, this is not a pitch for you personally. (Once you’re a celebrity, these rules can change. But for now, let’s keep things simple.) As you’ve already learned, the best pitches are ones that take into account current events and the latest trends.

2. Subject line.

The subject line needs to be very compelling and timely to capture a producer’s attention. Most television producers receive 500+…