What Is a 502 Bad Gateway Error? A 502 Bad Gateway Error is a general indicator that there’s something wrong with a website’s server communication. Fortunately, there are five common and effective solutions for fixing most of the causes of a 502 Bad Gateway Error. How to Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error Look for server connectivity issues. If your server is down for maintenance or any other reason, your website could serve visitors a 502 Bad Gateway Error page. This could cause your website to serve its visitors a 502 Bad Gateway Error page. Server logs will provide details about your server’s health and status. Sometimes, a faulty firewall configuration will cause your firewall to deem requests from a content delivery network as an attack on your server and reject them, resulting in a 502 Bad Gateway Error. Check your firewall configuration to pinpoint and fix the issue. If there’s a mistake in your website’s code, your server might not be able to correctly answer requests from a content delivery network.
Troubleshooting a 502 Bad Gateway Error is like solving a mystery. You don’t know what exactly happened or why — all you know is that something’s wrong and you need to fix it.
To guide you through the hassle of fixing the dreaded 502 Bad Gateway Error, let’s go over what it exactly is and its most common causes and solutions.
What Is a 502 Bad Gateway Error?
A 502 Bad Gateway Error is a general indicator that there’s something wrong with a website’s server communication. Since it’s just a generic error, it doesn’t actually tell you the website’s exact issue. When this happens, your website will serve an error web page to your site’s visitors, like the photo below.
Fortunately, there are five common and effective solutions for fixing most of the causes of a 502 Bad Gateway Error.
How to Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error
- Look for server connectivity issues.
- Check for any DNS changes.
- Sift through your logs.
- Fix faulty firewall configurations.
- Comb through your website’s code to find bugs.