What’s Missing from Your Video Ad’s Call to Action

What’s Missing from Your Video Ad’s Call to Action

Because you want people to start using your product, and because it’s easy for viewers to misunderstand or dismiss your offer, the most important things to consider when you build a CTA are where to place it, what text and design to use for the button, and how to test it. Produce the content of the CTA: the text and design of the button itself. Create a focused context If you’re creating video marketing content to drive conversions, the call to action is the keystone of that content. The content should center on and lead to the conversion action so that the CTA doesn’t appear out of the blue. Here are a few quick ways to make your video content more focused on the call to action: Write the CTA or select the desired action before producing the video so you know exactly what you want the viewer to gain by watching it. Write and design toward action After you’ve put in the effort to create a compelling video that’s focused on the desired action, you’d hate for people not to see the link itself. If your call to action is longer than three words, try something else. To make sure you’ve found the best fit between brand, message, and design, try testing lots of text and design options and optimize for the platform you’re using. Test and compare Speaking of options, testing is the third and arguably most important step in your call-to-action strategy. Then, start over with a new test.

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A punchy call to action (CTA) is a must-have for any marketing video, but getting viewers to take the action is tricky. It’s frustrating to make a video, pay for a social ad campaign, and then see disappointing conversion rates again and again.

When you’ve engaged viewers to the end of a marketing video, you’ve already done something extraordinary. With the right call to action, you can persuade people to make the leap from intrigued viewer to paying customer.

With a consistent video call to action strategy, you can win more conversions over time. We’ve come up with a framework for that strategy. You just need the 3 C’s.

The 3 C’s: Context, Content, and Comparison

The goal of a conversion-focused video CTA is to turn passive viewers into active users of your product. The main challenge is convincing people that clicking through to your site, signing up for a trial, or subscribing to a plan will be worth it. A CTA can fail if the button doesn’t follow compelling content, it isn’t placed in a logical location, or people do not know where it leads. If your CTA doesn’t perform at least as well as similar CTAs, you’ll lose customers to your competition.

Because you want people to start using your product, and because it’s easy for viewers to misunderstand or dismiss your offer, the most important things to consider when you build a CTA are where to place it, what text and design to use for the button, and how to test it. These considerations can be broken down into a three-step process:

  1. Create a focused context for the CTA: where the video appears, what the video is about, and how the messaging leads to the CTA.
  2. Produce the content of the CTA: the text and design of the button itself.
  3. Compare with similar CTAs: in other words, A/B testing. To judge whether a CTA is successful, you have to measure its relative performance against other CTAs.

The context, of course, carries the weight in getting a call to action to work. Without a compelling video, your call to action will fall flat. However, incremental improvements will be achieved through copy, design, and testing. These measurable results add up over time to create stronger calls and, of course, more action.

Let’s take a closer look at each step.

Create a focused context

If you’re creating video marketing content to drive conversions, the call to action is the keystone of that content. It holds it all together. The content should center on and lead to the conversion action so that the CTA doesn’t appear out of the blue.

Here are a few quick ways to make your video content more focused on the call to action:

  • Write the CTA or select the desired action before producing the video so you know exactly what you want the viewer to gain by watching it.
  • State the value you’re offering.
  • Reinforce the call by having an actor say it out loud or by having the card’s CTA match the one that’s onscreen.

Hubble’s Facebook ad puts its product, contact lenses, center stage, and the call to action alongside it. “Take this quiz!” the ad says. The quiz is just the conversion action, gamified—Hubble gathers your data for a trial of their product.

The value offered—a free box of contacts—is also conveyed in the video caption, the headline, and the post caption.