Where Should You Focus Your Video Strategy in 2018?

Where Should You Focus Your Video Strategy in 2018?

As a business, you should acknowledge social media – if not, you’re going to be left in the dust. Consumers love video – HubSpot’s State of Video Marketing Survey shares these statistics: On average, consumers watch an hour and a half of video a day. 81 percent of businesses already use video as a marketing tool – up from 63 percent in 2017. With the choice of Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram and the recently introduced IGTV, you might be wondering where to focus your video strategy. With this in mind, some details to consider include the number of users on a particular platform and which network reaches your target audience best. Still unsure where to go from here? Try learning from the efforts of top industry leaders. For example, the dynamic duo of ice cream – Ben & Jerry’s – keeps their videos short and playful on Instagram, noting that viewers don’t want to watch anything for more than 10 to 20 seconds as they scroll through their feed. To see a successful video strategy through, identify your audience and what interests them. The 13 Best Instagram Marketing... 5 Video Marketing Statistics You Can't Ignore in...

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As technology continues to improve at a rapid pace, social media becomes increasingly etched into our everyday lives. As a business, you should acknowledge social media – if not, you’re going to be left in the dust. Strategizing how to attract and then keep your audience engaged should be a top priority.

One way to do that is to focus on your brand’s video strategy. Consumers love video – HubSpot’s State of Video Marketing Survey shares these statistics:

  • On average, consumers watch an hour and a half of video a day.
  • If there is both text and video on a page, 72 percent would rather watch the video to learn about the product or service.
  • If your audience particularly enjoys a video, there is an 83 percent chance it will be shared amongst friends.
  • 81 percent of businesses already use video as a marketing tool – up from 63 percent in 2017.

The facts don’t lie – if you want to keep up with other businesses, start utilizing video today. With the choice of Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram and the recently introduced IGTV, you might be wondering where to focus your video strategy.

With this in mind, some details to consider include the…