Why Content Curation Is an Essential Part of Your Marketing Mix

Why Content Curation Is an Essential Part of Your Marketing Mix

Why Content Curation Is an Essential Part of Your Marketing Mix. Content curation, as part of your editorial strategy, can help make your blog a more valuable destination for your readers. But the benefits go both ways; as you help your readers find great content, you’re helping your organization, too. Here are just a few ways curated content can help advance your marketing goals, and some of our favorite curating tools. #2: Provide Variety from Promotional Content One of the top reasons people unfollow brands on social media is too much promotional content. Many of our most valuable long-term influencer relationships started with a curated post. Essentially you can fill your Pocket throughout the day, then evaluate what you’ve saved and choose what to use. Create a list of accounts that regularly tweet curation-worthy content, and it can be a valuable resource. Add curation to your content strategy to provide value for your audience, expand that audience, and lay the groundwork for influencer co-created content in the future. For more influencer marketing tips, check out our research guide Influence 2.0: The Future of Influencer Marketing.

How to Curate Content That Will Help Grow Your Brand
How To Save Time And Drive ROI With Content Curation
7 Content Curation Hacks to Cut Creation Time in Half

Imagine if an art museum contained every single painting created over a hundred-year period. It wouldn’t be much fun to visit, right? Hundreds of thousands of images, of wildly varying quality, without organization or context? It would be like a Google image search crossed with a garage sale.

Content curation is what turns a warehouse full of art and artifacts into a museum. A good curator sifts through the content to find pieces that are valuable for an intended audience. Their job is to direct attention to worthy content—and in doing so, make the museum a worthwhile place to visit.

Your blog readers and social media followers are drowning in content. You can be the content curator that helps direct their attention to what is most helpful, educational, or entertaining. Content curation, as part of your editorial strategy, can help make your blog a more valuable destination for your readers.

But the benefits go both ways; as you help your readers find great content, you’re helping your organization, too. Here are just a few ways curated content can help advance your marketing goals, and some of our favorite curating tools.

The Benefits of Content Curation

#1: Fill Your Editorial Calendar

It takes consistent publishing of quality content to make your blog a destination for readers. TKeeping up a regular cadence can be tricky, especially with a small (or non-existent) content team. Curation helps fill in the blanks with less effort than it takes to create new content.

#2: Provide Variety from Promotional Content

One of the top reasons people unfollow brands on social media is too much promotional content. Even if your content genuinely adds value beyond promoting the brand, people can get burned out on your brand’s voice. Pulling in content from other sources gives readers variety without pushing them off your site.

#3: Enhance Your Brand’s Credibility

Your brand content should have a definite point of view, taking a strong stance on issues that affect your industry. That’s a vital part of developing thought leadership. But don’t go…