Why You Need Collaboration in Video Production

Why You Need Collaboration in Video Production

When production teams and stakeholders work together on video content, they’re better able to create pieces that meet today’s higher standards. They cannot keep that content relevant without input and feedback from the stakeholders requesting those videos. Collaborative video creation helps your whole company align its goals, increase production speed, and create better pieces of content to make audiences happy. They weren’t involved in the process, so how should they know if this video works? By springing nearly completed videos on stakeholders, creative teams gamble with everyone’s time. Videos created with limited input from the people who asked for them are rarely as effective as they would be if the requesters had been involved from the start. On the topic of specific roles, lead stakeholders by asking pointed questions to answer as they review videos. People love to feel good about accomplishing something. By creating a collaborative process that involves both stakeholders and creative teams, companies can make more impactful, more relevant videos. Want to streamline your team’s video production process to create better videos — faster?

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Back when video was expensive and rare, companies could get away with siloing their video production efforts. Now, however, video has evolved into an expectation, and with that expectation comes a requirement of quality that silos cannot address.

Most company leaders understand that they can’t throw money at agencies and expect the market to accept generic content created in a vacuum. It’s why 72 percent of companies now use a mix of internal and outsourced creative talent. Creation and consumption are closer than ever, resulting in a new, collaborative process in which you must create content you already know your audiences will love. When production teams and stakeholders work together on video content, they’re better able to create pieces that meet today’s higher standards.

Creative teams are also under more pressure to produce higher volume. They cannot keep that content relevant without input and feedback from the stakeholders requesting those videos. Stakeholders, too, cannot be upset about the relevance of a requested video if they fail to participate in the creative process.

Collaborative video creation helps your whole company align its goals, increase production speed, and create better pieces of content to make audiences happy. When everyone in your company gets involved, great ideas flow faster.

Filming an Uphill Battle

I’ve worked with many teams without a collaborative video production process. Those teams suffer a variety of issues that a bit of cooperation would solve quickly.

When videos get stuck waiting for approval, stakeholders are often reluctant to pull the trigger. They weren’t involved in the process, so how should they know if this video works? Sometimes, they barely remember what they wanted in the first place. By springing nearly completed videos on stakeholders, creative teams gamble with everyone’s time.

These review sessions rarely work out well. Videos created with limited input from the people who asked for them are rarely as effective as they would be if the requesters had been involved from the start.

To fix off-topic videos, most companies rely on strings of emails. This cumbersome process creates frustration for stakeholders and forces production teams to work with limited information. Occasionally,…