The music video “Despacito,” which was engineered by Berklee alumnus Luis Saldarriaga (’14), has racked up 2.6 billion views in only six months, a rate that could send it past both “See You Again” and “Gangnam Style” by the end of the year. Volvo Trucks Unboxing Hit Now, this might lead some video marketers to mistakenly assume that music videos featuring Berklee artists are the only successful genre on YouTube. And the target buyer of a full-size heavy truck like the new Volvo VNL isn’t 3-year-old Joel Jovine. “Setting a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title was truly remarkable, but what was most rewarding for me was seeing Joel become so excited seeing the new Volvo VNL 760 revealed when he opened the box,” said Magnus Koeck, the vice president of marketing and brand management for Volvo Trucks North America, in a press release. In a series of spectacular live tests, the global truck company has displayed their class-leading products and features in breathtaking stunts. But, the second most popular video in the series was “Volvo Trucks – Look Who’s Driving feat. Video marketers should know that the unboxing record, which is determined by the size of the object being unboxed, was easily set with a Volvo VNL 760 tractor and trailer measuring 72 feet in length. The Volvo VNL had to be removed from the box without destroying the box during the process. As of this past weekend, the B2B video had 774,000 views and 4,186 engagements on YouTube, according to Tubular Labs. And a second version, “Watch 3-year-old Joel Jovine & Volvo Trucks North America in the ‘World’s Largest Unboxing’,” which was uploaded to Facebook on July 11, 2017, now has 5.7 million views and 204,000 engagements, according to Tubular Labs.
Most of the media in Boston seems focused on the news that “‘See You Again’,” a song performed by Wiz Khalifa and co-written, co-produced, and featuring a chorus sung by Berklee College of Music alum Charlie Puth (’13), has just passed “‘Gangnam Style’ ” by South Korean pop star Psy (who attended Berklee from 1999 to 2000), for most views. (They both have over 2.9 billion views, so the margin of victory is slim.) Meanwhile, “Justin Bieber’s ‘Sorry’,” which was written by Berklee graduate Justin Tranter (’01), is currently in third place with 2.6 billion views. The music video “Despacito,” which was engineered by Berklee alumnus Luis Saldarriaga (’14), has racked up 2.6 billion views in only six months, a rate that could send it past both “See You Again” and “Gangnam Style” by the end of the year. And rounding out the top five most-viewed YouTube videos of all time is “‘Uptown Funk’,” from Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars which Berklee Alumni Jeff Bhasker (’99) produced and Josh Blair (’99) engineered and mixed, with close to 2.6 billion views.
Volvo Trucks Unboxing Hit
Now, this might lead some video marketers to mistakenly assume that music videos featuring Berklee artists are the only successful genre on YouTube. But, they would be wrongedy-wrong-wrong. Unboxing videos are also a mainstay of YouTube culture, as are attempts to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. And Volvo Trucks USA has just mashed up these two genres to create “The new Volvo VNL – World’s largest unboxing starring 3-year-old Joel,” which demonstrates that B2B videos can amaze viewers on YouTube, as well.
What makes this a B2B video when it features a 3-year-old truck enthusiast? Well, the truck that’s also featured in the video isn’t a toy. The new Volvo VNL series introduces groundbreaking technology that meets the needs of today’s long-haul customers and professional drivers through innovations in efficiency, productivity, safety and uptime. Available in several configurations, including a new 70-inch sleeper, the Volvo VNL series defines the shape of trucks to come.
And the target buyer of a full-size heavy truck like the new Volvo VNL isn’t 3-year-old Joel Jovine. It’s someone who owns and operates their own truck, works for a trucking company and/or fleet, drives for a trucking company and/or fleet, or works for a truck dealer. That’s someone who is his parents’ or his grandparents’ age. Yes, these target buyers are businesspeople. But, they are also human beings.
So, while watching this video, these target buyers are very…