10 Ways to Launch Your Business Forward

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Move Your Business Forward Into Success With These 10 Steps

We can only achieve as high as we think we can. As we move into the next season are you achieving the goals you had set in the New Year so far?

According to an article on Success Harbor only 66 percent of small businesses will survive the first two years in a Small Business Administration (SBA) report.

While this may be a daunting statistic it’s good to know that you can be a part of the percentage who create long-term results for years to come.

Today I have ten ways you can supercharge your efforts and even improve your personal focus for a more successful and profitable year.

The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.

~ Bruce Lee

Step One – Start with you

If your mental beliefs impose limits on your physical stretching, it make sense that they’ll limit your mental and spiritual achievement, too. So you need to ask yourself what limits you’re putting on your:

The first step to changing your boundaries is to “up” your deserve level. Here are three things that block you from accepting that you deserve the best:

  • Envy. Envy is the result of a scarcity mindset. Realize that whatever anyone else in this world has – from a great body to a great family to a great career – you can have it, too.
  • Fear. Fear is one of the greatest demotivators. All growth takes place outside your comfort zone. You must push your own limits, by definition. Get comfortable with discomfort – see it as a sign of growth, much like aching muscles indicate you worked out hard and are getting stronger.
  • Laziness. If you want an extraordinary life, you’re going to have to go to some out-of-the-ordinary measures. Whatever it takes you need to motivate yourself to move beyond “average.”

Step Two – Surround yourself with success

It’s been repeated so often that it’s basically internet law at this point: Your income will average that of the five people you hang around most.

Whether it’s literally true or just sort of true, it doesn’t really matter – the point is, if you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with successful people.

There are many reasons to hob-nob with people who have achieved the goals you aspire to:

  • They show it can be done. Often we think that success happens to “other” people, not people we actually know. By demystifying those who live and breathe where you want to reside, you gain a realization that you can do it, too.
  • They know what it takes. We tend to believe the “overnight success” stories. Once you stop believing that luck determines your success, you’ll see that if you’re willing to put in the time and the sweat, you can have whatever you want.
  • They want you to succeed, too. Being surrounded with people who have an abundance mindset will help you think of all you can have in this life, not all that you can’t.
  • They show the gaps in your knowledge, skills, and behavior. Model yourself after those you admire and you’ll find yourself becoming more like them, success and all.

As the saying goes — if you want to soar with eagles, you may have to limit your time with the turkeys.

Step Three – Keep moving forward

You’ve done this before: You make an informed decision. You look at all sides of the matter. Maybe you even make a “Franklin List” where you list all the pros and cons. You consult a friend or an expert or two. Then you decide.

And you immediately second-guess yourself. You assume you made the wrong decision. You wonder, “What if…?” You may even try to change the original decision, whether it is returning a new car, second-guessing your business decisions, or just wondering if dinner would have been better at Fridays.

Then you put yourself right back to square one – agonizing over that decision again. Not only are you right where you’ve started, you’ve also managed to kick yourself in the self-confidence and waste some time, too.

Instead, go through the same careful process of decision-making, then let it go. Tell yourself you’re stuck with it. Assume you made the right decision instead of the wrong one. Move forward, move upward, move onward.

Step 4 – Leave no room for doubt

In order to take yourself to the next level, you need to let go of doubt. Accept that you’re working with imperfect knowledge and that you’re a smart cookie and that you will indeed make some mistakes along the way. But tell yourself that whatever happens, you can handle it.

You can hustle, work extra hours if need be, commit to working…