12 Marketing Skills You Need to Survive in the Age of AI

12 Marketing Skills You Need to Survive in the Age of AI

By definition, artificial intelligence is the ability for computers to perform tasks that would ordinarily require human intelligence. If you’re not willing to adapt to the latest trends today, you won’t be able to survive tomorrow. Communication As a business owner and marketer, you know how important communication skills are for a successful business. In fact, the high cost is the number one reason why brands aren’t using AI marketing solutions: I don’t want to sound corny, but there’s a relevant age-old saying I’m sure you’ve heard before: You’ve got to spend money to make money. Studies show 29% of brands that have adopted artificial intelligence use it to perform automated data analysis. While any of these would be helpful for your general coding knowledge, the data science coding would be the most relevant for your AI implementation. But artificial intelligence doesn’t necessarily automate or replace a person’s job. Don’t assign a task to a person that a computer can do. Once AI replaces a certain task, you need to find ways for that person who used to do it to spend their time wisely. Artificial intelligence can help you increase employee productivity if you can implement it properly and find the most efficient ways to delegate new tasks.

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The time has finally arrived. We’re living in the era of artificial intelligence.

It sounds crazy, right?

To the average person, artificial intelligence doesn’t seem like a reality of our everyday lives. They associate AI with movies when robots take over the world.

While we’re not quite at that point, artificial intelligence is very real.

From a marketing perspective, we need to recognize this reality and plan accordingly.

In fact, artificial intelligence ranked high on my list of the top marketing trends to look for in 2018. As we reach the final quarter of the year, this prediction has held true.

If you are unfamiliar with AI, let me explain. By definition, artificial intelligence is the ability for computers to perform tasks that would ordinarily require human intelligence.

Some examples of these tasks include:

  • language translation
  • visual perception
  • ability to make decisions
  • speech recognition

While we may be ready for computers to translate a language, it’s the decision-making abilities that bring AI to the next level.

I know what some of you are thinking. You have a simple business operation, why should you care about AI?

When comparing companies already using artificial intelligence, the top-performing brands are more than twice as likely to use AI for marketing purposes.

Businesses are using this technology to increase sales by personalizing the customer experience.

Over the last five years, jobs requiring AI have increased by 450%.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay. It’s trending upward, and you need to be prepared to handle it if you want to be successful. I’ve identified the top 12 marketing skills you need to survive in the AI era.

1. Adaptability

Adapt or die.

If you don’t adapt now, you’ll fall behind your competitors and put your business at risk of failure. Just look at how many people are currently using AI and how many are planning to use this technology in the future:

fatest growing

As you can see from this graphic, AI is the fastest growing marketing technology with an anticipated year-over-year growth of 53%.

In my work with business owners, I’ve seen different personalities. Stubborn and closed-minded have a more difficult time growing their businesses.

When it comes to AI, you need to have an open mind and be willing to adapt if you want to succeed.

Don’t be stuck in your old ways. The mentality of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” is the wrong approach to take when it comes to new technology.

If you’re not willing to adapt to the latest trends today, you won’t be able to survive tomorrow.

2. Communication

As a business owner and marketer, you know how important communication skills are for a successful business. You need to be able to communicate well with your employees, customers, and everyone else you encounter on a daily basis.

But in the age of AI, communication is more important than ever.

Here’s why. AI may eventually replace some of the human elements of your business.

For example, maybe you’re using AI to help you provide better customer service by implementing live chat on your website.

However, you don’t want your customers to feel as if they’re losing that human touch. You still need to be available to communicate with your customers.

You can’t rely on the implementation of AI to handle this for you 100% of the time.

While the technology behind AI is groundbreaking and remarkable, it can’t duplicate an actual human response.

You and your team still need to be accessible. Customers should be able to pick up the phone and talk to a real person if they want to.

3. Budget allocation

Implementing AI technology in your business won’t necessarily be the most inexpensive investment you ever make.

This could be why some of you have been hesitant to add artificial intelligence to your business. You’re not alone.

In fact, the high cost is the number one reason why brands aren’t using AI marketing solutions:


I don’t want to sound corny, but there’s a relevant age-old saying I’m sure you’ve heard before:

You’ve got to spend money to make money.

It’s the truth. Sure, the initial costs of implementing AI marketing solutions may be intimidating at first. But that’s why you need to have great budget allocation skills.

Don’t cut corners when it comes to new technology adoption. Find other ways to reduce costs so you can pay for AI solutions.

4. Ability to analyze big data

Depending on what you use AI for, there is a good chance you’ll be presented with lots of data.

Studies show 29% of brands that have adopted artificial intelligence use it to perform automated data analysis. And 26% use the technology for automated research reports and information aggregation.

An additional 26% are using AI for operational and efficiency analysis.

These applications will result in lots of data for you to analyze. You need to be comfortable doing that.

There are different layers to artificial intelligence:
